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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Governors Call For $500 Billion Bailout Amid Standoff Over Coronavirus Relief Funds

National Governors Association Chair Larry Hogan, R-Md., and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D-N.Y., the group's top Democrat, are issuing a joint call for Congress to approve $500 billion in direct aid to states, signaling a deepening budget crisis caused by the coronavirus as Congress battles over the next round of funding.

"In the absence of unrestricted fiscal support of at least $500 billion from the Federal government, states will have to confront the prospect of significant reductions to critically important services all across this country," the governors said in a statement. "Hampering public health, the economic recovery, and — in turn — our collective effort to get people back to work."

The call for extra money depicts an increasingly dire financial strain on states struggling with the coronavirus. Congressional Republicans have rejected calls for additional coronavirus-related spending at this time, beyond a $250 billion increase to a small business loan program.

On Thursday, Democrats blocked an attempt to approve the small business money after Republicans refused to add $150 billion for states and $100 billion for hospitals, in addition to a requirement that half of any new small business money be directed to community financial institutions.



  1. Bob Aswell....RealistMay 6, 2020 at 12:19 PM

    Damn right, Hogan and Cuomo want the Fed to pay for mismanagement on their parts with our tax money. That's why Md. and Ny. are closed and will remain so until they're sure that Trump is going to repress their states deficits because of their incompetence.

    This is the reason we're living under draconian rules coupled with ignorance when they should realize 'it ain't going to work with Trump'. He's way too smart for them to out-shuffle him.

    Wake up dummy Hogan, Trump is not going to bite! It will be self evident when Trump gives them the bird! Ha. Ha.

  2. This has nothing to do with the virus and everything to do with those states pissing away all other money on stuff like illegal aliens, raiding pension funds, etc...and now they are broke and want a bailout.

  3. No State bailout. These dictator Governors have to start living within their means. They overtax citizens and now we are broke . They even steal from accounts of retirees and never return the money. That is correct is it not ADOLF HOGAN.

  4. Hogan can’t even manage to get unemployment payments out. We don’t want and can’t afford Kieran, and he’s looking for a handout paid by who? Us!

  5. I wish they would have to pledge not to increase taxes if they get the money. Hogan needs to kill the education bill first.

  6. Well hogan you will be getting 2.5 billion for kirwin plain from now until the next 5 years, just for schools so retard kids won't eat tide-pods...

  7. Alot easier to justify asking for that kind of money if your state is completely bankrupt so we probably won't be opening until Hogan has bankrupted the state

  8. No doubt Hogan wants the 8 million dollars he paid through his wife for test kits that remain locked up

  9. Maryland just passed a $5B INCREASE in spending (MFUME or something like that). I expect OC has some rough bumps ahead too. After all the taxation, they tell property owners (taxpayers) that they cannot occupy their property. Well? What good is it to own property in OC? If people are smart they would sell now before the property values plunge. You can expect all this government bad behavior to happen again for the next crisis.

    1. There will be a glut of condos on the market due to lost rental income. People will not be able to pay that second mortgage and condo fees. Glut of condos for sale means price drop just to "unload" the financial drain!!

  10. The liberal mantra don’t let a good crisis go to waste ream out the taxpayers to the max!

  11. So these blue states that funnel taxpayer money into union coffers that get sent back to the dumbocrats in control want a bailout?

    HOW 'BOUT NO!!

  12. Just keep on voting republican just HOPE the IDIOT loses in Nov

  13. Just keep voting republican trump will have us in war in no time,along with recession, so just keep voting republican

  14. Dumbocrats are far better running things tha a republican idiot

  15. Leave it to a republican to use a pendemic for political gain

  16. Half a trillion here...half a trillion there....its all just taxpayer money.

    Get with the program!

    (snicker snicker)


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