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Wednesday, May 06, 2020

China deliberately destroyed laboratory evidence, made whistleblowers disappear:

Communist China deliberately covered up the outbreak of COVID-19 in December-January by destroying laboratory evidence, and then silencing and “disappearing” whistleblowing physicians, according to an Australian newspaper based on a Western intelligence report.

The Washington Times asked the U.S. Office of Director of National Intelligence about the report. An official said, “We are not aware of a report that has been shared with our partners. However, we regularly share intelligence with our partners on a variety of threats and COVID is no different.”

The Australian Saturday Telegraph report has been quoted by media sites around the world. The newspaper said the 15-page paper is by the so-called “Five Eyes” intelligence-sharing consortium of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States and United Kingdom. The intelligence report represents a united front against the Chinese politburo and its wave of obfuscation and social media dis-information denying any blame.


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