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Friday, May 08, 2020

'Freedom Angels' protesters compare Gov Gavin Newsom to Hitler

Dozens of protesters gathered outside California's State Capitol Building in Sacramento on Thursday, demanding Gov Gavin Newsom completely reopen the state for business.

The demonstration was organized by the 'Freedom Angels' - a group of anti-vaxxers who are now fervently campaigning for an end to lockdown laws issued amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The Freedom Angels claim the executive orders are an example of dangerous government overreach, with one protester even comparing Gov Newsom to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.

The demonstrator attached a large banner to the side of his U-Haul van Thursday, which showed Newsom standing behind a swastika with Hitler's moustache photoshopped onto his face. .



  1. How can people be so stupid? They're asking you to help stop the spread of a deadly pandemic not telling you that you cannot leave your house for no reason at all.

  2. Anti-vaxxers are a legitimate threat to world health. I say we gather them all up and let them try to prove that we don't need vaccines by giving them all measles. 2 birds one measle.

  3. 1:27

    Not that long ago, everyone got the measles. So what!

  4. My state has never had a good governor; every CA governor has been a train wreck even more loathsome than the last. Regardless of party.


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