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Friday, April 03, 2020

Why The U.S. Will Drown In Covid-19 Cases

Here are examples for some of the reasons why the U.S. will now experience a gigantic epidemic wave.

The reasons include ill discipline, ignorance and incompetence, nutty religiousness and racism.

March 20 2020 - BBC
Crowds of US university students flocked to Florida for their spring break, defying recommendations from the federal government and Center for Disease Control (CDC) over the coronavirus outbreak.National health officials are advising against gatherings of 10 or more people.
April 1 2020 - NYT 
Two weeks ago, amid the coronavirus pandemic, about 70 students from the University of Texas at Austin partied in Mexico on spring break. The students, all in their 20s, flew on a chartered plane to Cabo San Lucas, and some returned on separate commercial flights to Texas.Now, 44 of them have tested positive for the virus and are self-isolating. More students were monitored and tested on Wednesday, university officials said, after 28 initial positive tests.
Students at the University of Tampa, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and other colleges have tested positive after returning from spring break trips to Florida, Alabama, Tennessee and elsewhere.


  1. Wait until the weather warms into the 70s...kids are not going to stay home...

  2. What matters is NOT the number of cases, but the number of cases needing critical medical care and/or resulting in death.

    If these students, as the vast majority of young people, get over their bouts with the Wuhan Flu without burdening the medical establishment AND without passing it on to vulnerable folks, then they will actually create herd immunity and that will be a good thing.

    By now, NO ONE, especially not those most vulnerable to a bad outcome from WuFlu, should be having contact with strangers. Family and friends, knowing that the students had traveled, should have given them a wide berth. I saw that one dad followed through on his promise to his college son and his roommates that if they traveled for spring break they would not be allowed back in his house.

    These clowns should have been prevented from spreading the virus much by the precautions reasonable people have long ago put in place to protect themselves.

  3. That was the plan. Give the stupid enough rope they'll ALWAYS hang themselves

  4. No, WE will Drown in DEBT !!!


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