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Friday, April 03, 2020


Critics say ‘Marxist revolutionary’ should be on trial for crimes against humanity — not sitting atop the WHO

With United Nations World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia serving as a mouthpiece for the Communist Party of China on the global stage, questions and concerns about his shadowy communist past are growing louder. Considering his scandal-plagued background, critics have gone so far as to say that “Marxist revolutionary” Tedros should be on trial for crimes against humanity — not sitting atop the WHO barking orders at national governments and peddling Beijing’s propaganda to humanity. So far, though, the establishment media has largely remained silent about the emerging firestorm.

As The New American reported shortly after his tenure began, Tedros, who has no medical degree but got the top UN job with fervent backing from Communist China, is an actual communist with a long pedigree in the movement. Before taking up his perch at the WHO, Tedros was most prominent for his government posts in a tyrannical regime, and for his key role in leading the murderous communist organization known as the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). This ethno-Marxist terror group has declared war on freedom and other ethnic groups within Ethiopia. And Tedros played a major role, serving as a top member of the TPLF’s Politburo Central Committee, according to multiple news reports.

The U.S. government previously designated the Marxist group as a terrorist organization for its murders, kidnappings, terror attacks, and more. Citing at least a dozen terror attacks on private citizens, religious figures, private property, non-governmental organizations, journalists, and other targets spanning more than three decades, the Global Terror Database continues to list it as such. TPLF also joined forces with other mass-murdering Marxist-Leninist parties and formed the “Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front” (EPRDF), an alliance that today rules the nation despite having been formally disbanded last year.


1 comment:

  1. The US population has no idea who stands behind the campaign finance of political elections. The US Congress is beholden to the people who also have control of the TPLF and other communist organizations. The US itself has morphed into a Facist Government, which merged government power with corporate interests. This began in earnest during the Viet Nam War and in the 1970s American intellectuals exposed it.

    But we are a long way from the1970s and Viet Nam (Gulf of Tonkin).

    There aren't any American intellectuals


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