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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Why Are We Paying So Much For Gas On The Eastern Shore?

Just saw gas for $1.39 a gallon outside of Richmond Virginia.


  1. Gas in Stephens city, outside of DC is now $1.09 a gal.

  2. Called price fixing. Snow Hill had it last week at $1.49

  3. So that convenience stores will survive the plandemic. Duh!

  4. Lack of demand - which doesn't make sense.

    Unless, gas will never go "bad" like food - so even though supply exceeds demand BIG oil is still in charge.

    Again, doesn't make sense. When a hurricane comes into the Gulf - we always see a spike in prices immediately. When the price of barrels of oil (which are for 30 days into the future) skyrocket, price jump immediately. When the price goes down, HA prices go down a penny or two in several weeks.

    Then we have the "summer blend", "winter blend", blah blah blah.

    Big Oil.


    1. No, it's called inventory replacement cost. You don't sell existing inventory at a loss.

    2. Wow. Someone with knowledge and common sense. You might as well not even try explaining this to the idiots on here. I’ve tried for far to long, they do not like facts.

  5. Because hillbillies like us are willing to pay more.We save on a lot of other things that make up for it.

  6. We are being ripped off.

  7. Because there are so many of us traveling up and down the roads, a more rural area with greater distances between venues, thus creating a greater demand, hence the higher price.

  8. Too many tourist passing thru??

  9. I said it before. Snow Hill had it for.99 and the cops shut it down due to the number of people spilling into the streets, and not social distancing.

    1. They were in their cars idiot, I rode by and saw it, but didn't have time to wait in line for an hour or more to save $5 to $10

    2. Your calling him/her an idiot yet they are right...lol. my mother drove by also and the police were shutting them down becouse they were getting out of there cars.

  10. I thought that it had to do with the distance that the gas trucks had to travel to refill the stations. I am unaware of any gas pipelines on the shore. Dang!!

  11. the Md tax on gas.

  12. Don't just compare Gas Prices, The Eastern Shore has always been screwed
    in Electric Rates. Because , We have NO Representation on the
    Eastern Shore to Support us. Who can remember when a Governor of MD
    cared about the Eastern Shore? That is why a lot of us go to Delaware or Virginia to buy items we need. May be some day, The Whole Eastern Shore
    will be changed to being part of the Delaware State.

  13. Annapolis only cares (not just the Gov) about their Eastern Shore cash cow is the summertime when OC becomes the 2nd largest city in MD.

    WEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL - Danger Will Robinson, there will be NO cash cow this summer! What is the backup plan?

  14. Only .78 in Biloxi Miss.

  15. Every station on the eastern shore gets their gas from the same supplier based on the western shore.
    The company in Worcester Co that owned many hundreds of stations sold out several years ago.
    Where I live now gas runs from 1.40 to 1.90 so rip offs aren't just on the shore.

  16. With Maryland tax at 36.7cents and federal 18.4 cents totaling 55.1 cents leaving approximately $1.34 per gallon for refining, shipping and profit. Still much, much cheaper than bottled water.

  17. In 1955 when I was in high school ESSO Extra(now EXXON) went to 36 cents and people were freaking out.

    1. 4:04 - That would be more like 1965 prices

  18. It’s $1.79 in Talbot and Dorchester counties. Jumps to $1.93 in wicomico

  19. Your know your getting old around here when you obsess about the weather and the price of gas. Of which you have control of neither. Where are people going right now ?

  20. Because here on the Eastern shore and all of my our fuel and gas prices are controlled by big business like royal farms and
    Wawa I travel the shore constantly from cape Charles thru Salisbury and to Cambridge you can watch them raise the fuel prices and all the other small guys follow there needs to be more oversight on gas prices

  21. Roof, wawa look at how the pricing works between them. It’s easy to see. Out of the areas they compete are lower. The higher they can stay when price drops the more they make. That said what are they doing to give back on the shore?


  22. Others have mentioned variations in state taxes. Same price off the truck will result in different prices at the pump in each state. Distances from refineries play a role, and so do producer costs. Plus seasonal fuel recipes required in different regions. Other factors also have some impact.

    It is only worth traveling a certain distance in search of a lower price.

  23. Bet people wish they had more efficient cars now for their short drives to Wal-Mart. That's all they every did though really climbing in and out of monster trucks with handicap tags.

  24. Anything over 50 cents per gal is GOUGING !!! Fine them all $5,000.00

    1st offense !!!

  25. @ April 13, 2020 at 11:16 AM . Hey, it's PANDEMIC, not plandemic. DUH, DUH, DUH.

  26. @ April 13, 2020 at 12:25 PM. Uh, they get gas in their cars. Can't get more social distancing than that. Comment when it makes sense.

  27. @ April 13, 2020 at 6:14 PM. And you cannot spell. It's too ,not to. You're either a democrat or a Baltimoron.


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