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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Now that you've received your economic impact payment, how should you spend it?

BALTIMORE — According to the Treasury Department, millions of Americans should've received their economic impact payments from the IRS.

The payments were issued to eligible 2019 or 2018 federal tax return filers who received a refund using direct deposit.

Payments are capped at $1,200 for individuals and $2,400 for couples, and are based on income.



  1. cigarettes and Jack Daniels

  2. What economic impact payment? No ALL received it.

  3. Do whatever you want, except don’t buy anything made in China

  4. Can't spend it when it takes tooooo long to get it !!!!!

    1. Check your account got mine yesterday so did many people I know

  5. I'm going to be a good American sheep and go back to work putting myself and my family at risk so the millionaires can afford to gas up their private jets!

  6. I live on SS check and haven't filed taxes in years and I don't bank online will I still get a check?

    1. Yes but go to the IRS website for guidance

  7. Stopped reading at “Baltimore”

  8. Where is mine as a retiree in need of money?

  9. My tax bill was due.
    In one pocket and out the other.

  10. Anyone else, who IS eligible, getting this msg from the IRS website?

    Payment Status Not Available
    According to information that we have on file, we cannot determine your eligibility for a payment at this time.

  11. I'm donating it to anyone that stands to unseat any sitting politician in the federal government... doesn't matter what party. Ya'll should do the same...

    Wanna drain the swamp? This is how it's done. They ALL have to go. All of them.

  12. Cyanide stockpile in case Biden wins!

  13. I've got a novel idea.... pay your damn bills!

  14. 2:34 & 2:49. SS retirees will receive their $1200 in the same manner that they receive their monthly money. If your money is deposited monthly into your bank account, then you have already received it or will shortly. If you receive your money every month on a Direct Express debit card, you can expect the deposit in the last week of April. All others will have to wait until sometime in May for a paper check.

  15. Why are retirees getting this money ? Everyone bitches about people getting hand outs and they are all drooling for 1200 dollars. If that is really life changing BANK for you your really not a Conservative. You just don't want to be lump in with poor Democrats which it turns out you actually ARE.

  16. I'm not spending it. Never know when things may turn south and will need it. Won't spend on frivolous things if the time comes. Food & shelter.

  17. Well after interest on the 2 trillion dollar loan to the FED(SWAMP/NWO) paying the IRS on it in next years taxes!!Wondering WTF is left of it TOO SPEND!! Buy hey congress passed it and as pelsosi said it was like taking candy from my great great great great granson babies mouth

  18. Found this... Some deadbeat parents might be in for an unpleasant surprise.

    "Your stimulus money is not subject to garnishment by the government, even for back taxes or student loan defaults. However, if you owe past-due child support payments that have been reported to the Treasury Department, your stimulus check will be reduced to pay the past due amount. In addition, your stimulus money can be levied or garnished by private debt collectors."

  19. I’m successful so I don’t get one. Thank you

    1. Good on you. Self praise stinks.

  20. Alot of seafood being sold in D'Bury !!! Lobster / Crab parties !!

  21. Putting mind in Royal Caribbean Stock.

  22. Self Praise - my name is Jake Day!

  23. I'm saving mine. In 20 years that expired check might be worth a fortune due to its historical significance.

  24. Saving mine incase there is another toilet paper shortage

  25. Blowing it on anything shinny and pretty that catches my eye. It has been a long , hard winter and we deserve to treat ourselves with something we like or eating out , after having to do so much cooking during this crisis. Maybe a weekend trip? Anything .

  26. Spend some to ELECT Trump POTUS 2020 !!!! MAGA

  27. We need at least 6 more @ $2,000 month !!! each

  28. Form a NAAWP for the White people with it !!!! Much needed 2020 !!!

  29. @ April 17, 2020 at 9:00 PM. Oh, it's coming and there is nothing they can do about it. Getting sick and tired of the bullshite coming out of some peoples mouth. Also tired of the crime and abuse of the welfare system and no one doing anything about it to keep them quiet and vote for lousy democrats. Let republicans promise them more money on welfare and watch how fast they change parties. But it is coming. A lot of things are going to change. They will raise hell, but so what.

  30. Down payment on a boat? A new king size bed? A new rifle? A new pistol? Need to make up my mind. And NO, I have not received mine yet.

  31. @ April 16, 2020 at 2:34 PM. Yes sir, you will. It will come in the mail.

  32. Hey, a Caribbean cruise sounds really good right now. WOW. Have been on two in my life, so nows the time to go on another one because I do not know when I will be able to go on another one. I sure do love to go cruising.


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