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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Where Are Your Vitamins and Supplements Made?

Chuckle, chortle, snicker… Those are the responses of the “progressives” who keep defending all things globalist, including the disgustingly corrupt behavior of the Communist Chinese, who covered up the spread of COVID19 that originated in Wuhan.

But it’s not just the highly contagious novel virus that’s invaded the United States, destroying the lives of Americans. The ruthless operations of a totalitarian government trusted with critical functions, like producing medicines, dietary supplements, and vitamins consumed by individuals pursuing health are also now under the microscope.

How vulnerable are Americans given Chinese control over the items we ingest for the sake of health? Take a moment to look at your over-the-counter medicines for gastric reflux and mild arthritis, or dietary supplements like vitamin C and calcium. Where are these products made?

You might see listed a point of distribution, especially if it’s an OTC brand or generic of a franchise like Walmart, Walgreens, or large big-box store. But what is the site of origin? Don’t bother; it’s not listed.

Our dietary supplements and vitamins are almost exclusively imports from China. The Alliance for American Manufacturing reported that as much as 90% of the vitamin C sold in America comes from the same nation that was producing dog treats that poisoned thousands of our pets and has been proven to hold great responsibility in this coronavirus pandemic.



  1. Ever read what is on the packages, it says the stuff is a bunch of hooey it is not made to help, cure, prevent anything. It is more Chinese BS being sold to the vast amount of idiots thinking this fakery is going to help them avoid death.

  2. "Progressives" didn't move manufacturing to China, nor did "globalism"

    Profit driven Capitalists did. Greedy Corporations and their servitude to shareholders did. It's THAT simple. It's not some cabal or conspiracy, so just stop it.

    1. Actually it was Obama Administration that opened the gates for American businesses to move outside America. Look it up.

    2. Corporate greed

  3. Bahaaaa. Been preaching this for years, and especially after the news reports of the poising of the dog treats. My vitamins are proudly made in America. Not only made here but assembled here, with ingredients from American Farms.

  4. 1023am...you need to stop...ALL corporations were taxed to the point they had to leave, some even made big deals by leaving. Government, with over taxation is why all jobs left. Wake up.

    1032am...then tell us all what the name of those vitamins are your so proud of.

  5. Progressives over-regulating and greedy liberal backed Unions moved business to China also 10:23, don't leave them out !

    1. Unions have been preaching "Buy American" since they were organized 11:08. Why would union workers want to export their own jobs. If you don't like unions be sure to not buy union made products and turn your lights off too, because that electricity is union made in union built power plants.

  6. 10:32 Where do you buy them? I'm very interested. I will be planting my own garden this year even if I have to use my front yard. Thank you for any information you can share with me.

  7. 10;23 i beg to differ..it is the policies of the progressive left globalist movement that seeks to remove all borders, GODS, and centralize all manufacturing. Appears we have no say in the matter... Yes greed is a factor, but not the main force behind the shift..central control of you and me is the ultimate goal.

    So How close do you think we are we to this promise?
    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

  8. Here's something to get thru your thick heads. Barring an underlying medical condition that robs your body of vitamins, taking supplements is a 100% waste of time. Your body should be getting all the vitamins it needs from food! If you are not eating the right foods, your fat butt is going to die of disease (heart disease, diabetes, etc) way before any vitamin deficiency takes you out.

  9. Sorry, but the poor, stripped soil doesn't have nearly the amount of vitamins and minerals that it used to. So, the food nowadays doesn't supply us with all that we need.

  10. Capitalism is a friend and foe!

  11. 1138 talk about deranged. If you believe that fantasy land narrative, you'll fall for anything. Companies have been packing their bags and moving out since the 80's. It ramped up even more post 2000's: companies and politicians who once said "let the Chinese sew your clothes" turned a blind eye as the Chinese and others started making tv's, cars, medicine, and just about anything else you can find on the walmart shelf. There is real data out there supporting these facts; you should take a look sometime.


  12. "..Your body should be getting all the vitamins it needs from food!"

    There are many reasons why it wouldn't, not the least of which is the lack of nutrients in the soil. There are also many physical reasons like poor assimilation, due to use of antacids and other medications that hinder proper digestion or deplete/bind up your minerals (which is almost all medications today.)
    Age also plays a factor, and if your body is no longer able to make all the enzymes it needs for the assimilation of those nutrients, they won't do much good.

    There is a lot to be said for the proper use of supplements. In fact, intravenous vitamin C can cure coronavirus (cancer too..). That was what they were using early on in China, and it was very successful where it was used. They shipped 50 tons of it to Wuhan, and the few doctors who used it saved a lot of lives.

    I'm 70, and my blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol are all normal. No diabetes, no heart disease, no lung issues. And-- I don't take ANY medication. Not even those 'blue pills'. Don't need them.

    Can you say the same, 11:39?

  13. 208 another example of a nugget of fact being turned into an entire false narrative. Nutrients in soil??? Really? Show me one peer reviewed article showing results that prove some kind of mass reduction in nutrients in REAL food. Just because you choose to get your broccoli from the dehydrogenated cardboard salt-filled box at the bottom of the shelf, does not mean real veggies aren't packing all the nutrients you need. I already mentioned in my comment underlying issues. But guess what: vitamins already pack way more of the vitamin than you need, so you are just pissing it out. Again, the focus should be on diet, not taking a pill.

  14. Personally I would not ingest any product of any kind that was from China.
    text faces

  15. April 14, 2020 at 11:34 AM

    Sorry to disappoint you, but Capitalism, Profit driven motivation, and being beholden to shareholders doesn't care about Gods, boarders, or where manufacturing happens. AT ALL. Not one iota.

    It cares for only generating profits. If globalism (as you call it) drives up profits then Capitalism will move towards globalism. Capitalism and greed and profit motivation doesn't care about ANYTHING ELSE other than profits.

    Progressives argue for workers rights, improved wages, better benefits.. how can you possibly pin "globalism" on them? Corporations moved production to get AWAY from progressives. Think about what you are saying.

    Plus, I don't believe in your Deity, nor your Religions fictions. What is it with you people, first it was bar codes are the beast, then credit cards are the beast... what next? Make up your minds... if you are gonna have the gall to claim you are right about anything, at least be right about something... quit moving the goal posts!


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