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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Cuomo will meet w NJ, Conn. Gov. to help reopen as soon as possible

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he wants residents of his state to be able to resume their normal lives “as soon as possible,” and that he will be coordinating with neighboring governors to figure out how to do just that.

“People want to get on with their lives, people want to get out of the house, cabin fever, we need the economy working, people need a paycheck, life has to function. When do we reopen?” Cuomo said at a Sunday press conference. “Look, the answer is we want to reopen as soon as possible.”

The governor recognized the personal and societal stresses of the shutdown, but made clear that it has to be a smart decision that does not jeopardize people’s health or the economy.

“Nobody wants to pick between a public health strategy and an economic strategy,” Cuomo said. “And as governor of this state I’m not going to pick one over the other. We need a public health strategy that is safe, that is consistent with an economic strategy.”

Cuomo said the keys for reopening are coordination between businesses, schools, transportation, and the workforce; additional testing; and increased federal assistance. He said he plans on speaking with New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont to come up with a regional reopening plan.



  1. Coordination will be the hardest part - indeed!

  2. Why is NBC headlines this am. Stating Cuomo upset that Trump is trying to open NY to soon. So tired of Fake news.

  3. BAD move this is still infecting over 5000 people a day in my with over 600 deaths a day and you think it's back to Business ?

  4. Because 11:40, its always a good idea until the president says it, then all of the sudden they are against it. It's like dealing with a bunch of pre-schoolers who don't want to do something unless you tell them not to!

    All Trump has to do is tell them to do the opposite and they will do what he wants, they are so stupid!

  5. They Ain't gonna re-open Nuth'in !!! They better Lay down !!!


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