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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

THE LIST: Fauci’s Many Mistakes and Lies: NIH Director Said One Thing Weeks-Months Ago but Today Tries to Blame President Trump (Video)

NIH Director Dr. Anthony Fauci went on CNN on Easter Sunday and suggested that President Trump should have shut down the country in February!

Dr. Fauci later went on with Al Sharpton on MSNBC and and told Al Sharpton that he warned President Trump that “we were in real trouble” from the coronavirus.

It is clear at this point that Dr. Anthony Fauci has a problem with the truth.
Here is a list of several contradictory statements by the good doctor.

1.) Dr. Fauci says he warned Trump in January that the US was in real trouble but that is not what he said publicly.

In January Dr. Anthony Fauci told Newsmax TV that the United States “did not have to worry”about the coronavirus and that it was “not a major threat.”



  1. not that's not what they were all saying back then....Trump was attacked because he wanted to shut down flights...he was deemed a racist....Fauci didnt see a need for any shutdown at that time....

  2. they were all focused on impeachment. That didn't work so they couldn't let a good crisis go to waste with an opportunity to wreck the economy and job markets while getting the money to do what ever they wanted and to hook up their friends. A money launder back to themselves through the DNC. Prove me wrong!

  3. Ain't it so easy to blame Trump. Heck the lib-turds and the lame-stream media has been doing the same thing for over three years. Ain't worked for them yet...

  4. He is a communist sheeple. He doesn't like Trump so he disputes anything Trump says. He is a democrat and he sure acts it.


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