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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

MSNBC Medical Correspondent Campbell on U.S. Economy: ‘We’re Not Reopening Anytime Soon’

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” chief medical correspondent Dr. Dave Campbell on Monday rejected President Donald Trump’s overtures to make a May 1 target date for reopening the American economy.

Campbell, sounding a different tune than the president, declared the economy was “not reopening anytime soon,” adding normalcy will not be reached for an even longer amount of time due to slowly rolling everything out.

“We … know that this hope, that this is going away in the summer and will resurge in the fall, is false hope,” Campbell stated. “We’re already in mid-April. The people who are sick today and going in the hospital will be there for several weeks. We do not have adequate testing, certainly not in Palm Beach County, and absolutely not across the country. We don’t have adequate viral testing. We don’t have adequate antibody testing.”



  1. Oh for cryin' out loud. These are the last fools you want to listen to.

  2. Is their ventilators? Nyc needs 40k now.

  3. Everyone needs to watch Candace Owens latest periscope on her Twitter.

  4. Who the heck is this clown and who does he think he is?

    Since when do MSLSD talking heads thinks they're calling the shots?

  5. The flu is being used to completely reset the economy and financial instruments. Most people know nothing about the financial crimes since 2008 by investment banks and hedge funds. The Fed has BEEN bailing out the repo market since the Fall 2019.

    COMEX and FOREX have been fraudulent for years.

  6. YES, & keep those Checks coming !!!! LOL LOL LOL

  7. September is what most have said. It is going to take that long to get a good test developed and a vaccine.

  8. Folks - economy will not open no early than 1 June. Live it, learn it, love it.

  9. 5:25
    I agree 100%

    Live what?
    Learn what?
    Love what?

    How about a complete sentence?


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