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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Report: Biden Campaign ‘Circulated Talking Points’ About Tara Reade Allegations

The Joe Biden campaign is circulating talking points regarding the sexual assault allegations made by Tara Reade, Buzzfeedreported on Tuesday.

While Joe Biden has remained publicly silent about a sexual assault allegation made against him, his presidential campaign has sought to coordinate and unify Democratic messaging on the matter, advising surrogates earlier this month to say that the allegation “did not happen.” …

But the messaging shows that while Biden has stayed quiet on the allegations on the eve of his nomination, aides were taking the claims seriously enough behind the scenes to coordinate messaging among other Democrats to try to cast the matter as one that’s been thoroughly vetted and determined to be unfounded.

“Biden believes that all women have the right to be heard and to have their claims thoroughly reviewed,” the talking points read, according to Buzzfeed. “In this case, a thorough review by the New York Times has led to the truth: this incident did not happen.”



  1. Yeah, I always believe the NYT. Except Monday through Sunday.

  2. They were told that if Joe don't recall than it just didn't happen.

    His word is as trustworthy as when Obama said "If you like your Doctors, you can keep them".

  3. Come on folks. Are you really this naive?

    Nobody gets to the level of politics in the White House without being blackmailed.
    Period. Nobody, including orange persons. Did you not learn anything with Jeffrey Epstein?

    Wake up. The richest people in the world are TRILLIONAIRES.
    They own the Central Banks.
    They PRINT currency for governments.


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