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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Abrams: NYT Found Reade’s Accusation ‘Not Credible’ – ‘I Believe Joe Biden’

On Tuesday’s “CNN Tonight,” former Georgia state Representative Stacey Abrams stated that she believes the sexual assault allegations against 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden by Tara Reade are untrue and that she believes Biden.

Abrams said, “I believe that women deserve to be heard and I believe that they need to be listened to, but I also believe that those allegations have to be investigated by credible sources. The New York Times did a deep investigation, and they found that the accusation was not credible. I believe Joe Biden. I believe that he is a person who has demonstrated that his love of family, his love of our community has been made perfectly clear through his work as a congressional leader and as an American leader. I know Joe Biden, and I think that he is telling the truth and that this did not happen.”



  1. Can you ever believe any Democrat - never.

  2. Be sure to keep a copy of this so Abrams can be sent packing when the truth comes out.

  3. Abrams - really means - He has a ticket to ride, and he don't care..... LMAO - Nut case Abrams.

  4. To be expected. There isn't a democrat woman alive who is a moral person. They are all good for nothing. Pity the child who is spawned by one of these useless skanks. Animals make better mothers (and grandmothers)

  5. I think Abrams wants a little of slow Joe

  6. Complete idiot is what Abrams is, complete idiot!!!!

  7. Just because she is black and will play the race card at a drop of a hat, does not make her correct in her pre-judgement of Bidens's innocence.

  8. “Believe all women”. That’s what everyone on the progressive left cried. Now they’re backing an old white man who is a career politician and well known sexual predator. Hypocrisy at its finest🤦‍♀️

  9. If Abrams becomes the person one heartbeat away from being POTUS I will move to Ireland.

  10. She is unbelievable.

  11. She wants something what do you think she is going to say

  12. cant get enough lipstick for this one


  13. Stacey, "He never tried to cop a feel from me and I'm a prospective VP candidate so I believe Joe." /sarc


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