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Sunday, April 19, 2020

New Yorker's Continue To Flock To Ocean City

Even though NY, NJ & PA are under a quarantine and NY coronavirus rates are through the roof many have come down to their secondary homes in Berlin and Ocean City. All law enforcement have to do is sit in local parking lots and START PROTECTING US. You know, "PROTECT AND SERVE". That is what our taxes are supposed to do. Police are not writing traffic citations and I'm sorry but I've seen just about enough of this locally. What are your thoughts on this matter?

Should we ALL start publishing pictures to show how out of control this is?


  1. That's not the directive in this state. That's Delaware. As you can see, they need us more than we need them. Always been that way too.

  2. It's a huge legal issue that will be coming to the forefront. What legal right does this country have to say that someone cannot travel to a home that they own? it's a slippery slope.

    1. You could be right, there is a privilege and immunities clause in the constitution that specifically is for non-discrimitory state to state travel. But like other liberties, they kinda shat on that, too.

    2. It boils down to what is known as ones 'primary residence'. This is where you are expected to hunker down, not a secondary residence.

    3. 4:23PM you need to read the constitution and the bill or right. Both documents are the law of the land and what we are founded on. Many items in them like something your attempting talk about hold no merit. Can’t wait til the government goes broke from lawsuits. This virus is nothing compared to the economic despair to come.

    4. The Constitution and Bill of Rights were not written during a pandemic. Apparently the virus is effecting common sense. I don't care if you have 10 houses here. You dont live here year round, we don't want you here right now. The economy cannot be restored by dead people. Stay home with your arrogance.

    5. I agree. Common sense just isn't common anymore. Adults running around throwing tantrums like a 5 year old because they want to drink liquor with friends in a bar and eat their selves in a coma. Some were mentally damaged and alcoholics before the pandemic and they don't know how to cope.

    6. There is no slippery slope.
      I live in ocean city year round.
      If someone owns a house here,be it primary secondary or tertiary,unless there is a travel ban in the state they have the right to go to their home. It’s that simple,but everyone wants to complicate it.

    7. You might be right but it has been said that most states ate under a stay at home order. The Mayor is requesting that people stay at home at their primary residence til everything is lifted even if you own a secondary home down here. They are trying to keep their residents save.

      Please just stay home people you homes are not going anywhere.

    8. If everyone is following the State guidelines it's enough. We need to worry about the locals who aren't complying to laws as well. Dont alienate people who spend money in OC. They may never come back. We should remember we are in this together.

    9. For the good of all, I can buy a gun but can't shoot it. I can buy cigerettes and not smoke on the beach. I can have my land taken away under the guise of eminent domain. Laws come down to interpretation, in this case its for the good of us all

    10. Smh... A stay at home is what it is. Stay at home. I think if I had multiple homes. I could, and would choose to stay at any I please.
      Wait we do own multiple homes. Me traveling to one of my other homes, doesn't put someone at risk. Some people need to mind their own business and quit policing others.

    11. Does anyone have any common sense anymore and hear what your saying? If you owned two homes and your in a situation where one home is in a hot spot and you and your family would be safer at your other home, isn't that common sense? Ocean City is my home and what would our economy be without homeowners from other states? This is still America. There are no restrictions on buying a home and when you can occupy it, except time share. I am proud to call this home just as much as anyone else. There's always that saying, if you don't like it here, move. As far as I know, the Maryland State line doesn't border Mexico. Common SENSE PEOPLE: JUST STAY SAFE

    12. Ocean City has been asking non-resident property owners and visitors to refrain from coming there. They were doing that in an effort to keep infection rates down. Some people have any consideration for others at all. A vacation property is not your primary residence.

  3. You do know that people can live in this state and have plates for another πŸ€”

    1. You have 30 days to change license and tags to state where you live

    2. You know it costs a lot more to insure your car in NY sooo that would be a stupid assumption...🀨

    3. Only for 30 days and then you have to have your license and tags switched to tour new address. Having said that, as a Retired police commander, I would not enforce any law that says you can not quarantine in your vacation home. BTW, there is NO law saying it is your primary residence where you must quarantine.

  4. Yes, we should. New York wants the people to take pictures of people who don't respect the "stay home" deal. I think we should do the same. We can even send them up to DeBlasio.

    1. That’s a great idea! Flood his and the governor’s e-mail with pictures of their state’s plates. Include the town and state where they were.

    2. It was requested that people Shelter in place at their PRIMARY residence. This does not include second homes. PRIMARY is the residence where they legally claim to reside and only includes those people who live in that residence. Some are acting like this is a vacation and leisure time. It is not. Marshall law should not need to be imposed for these people to understand the lethal consequences of their actions. Some of these people are also inviting others family and friends for gatherings. Does it take Marshall law to be imposed? When they are stopped by State Police or the National Guard and forced to return to their PRIMARY RESIDENCE, they will understand. In the meantime they are putting the rest of us at risk because of their cavalier and entitled behavior - all because they "pay taxes" - well guess what - so do we.!!!!

  5. Only a fool would keep NY domicile if they live in MD.

  6. Please share to Facebook and send to Worcester Health and Worcester Sheriff.

    1. So out of state college kids that live here year round and work should have the sheriff called on them? I'm not defending the out of towners that so don't need to be here, just pointing out that one size ( or order) does not fit all. When I was in college at Salisbury years ago, I drove an out of state tagged car...my parents live in the Carolinas, and I lived here. My license was Maryland... only the car was tagged elsewhere until I could get my own.

    2. Technically, by law, your car should have been tagged where you resided. Just saying

  7. Now, just when is the last time you saw a picture of Hogan wearing a mask?

    1. yes 248

      there are a number of questions about all this
      HOUSE ARREST baloney

    2. We are not under house arrest, and it's for everyone's saftey you selfish pos

  8. Way I see it - tax wise - you are better off not staying in either State.

  9. My bad, but does OC or MD have official restrictions keeping non residents from entering. Or non- residents property owners? OBX does and they have their borders closed by Police Officers. No permit you don't get in. Not sure you folks have a legitimate issue.

    1. You're not "bad", you just should have stayed in school! "My bad?" Really?

    2. BTW Ocean City is located in Maryland.

  10. 3:08, Each state that issued a quarantine order secures our local law enforcement to penalize the violators. Unless they are essential.

  11. Well if this is really an issue we will see a surge in ocean city cases vs. rest of cities in Worcester county in about 2 weeks.

  12. Follow them home and SHAME LIVE ON FACEBOOK. SHAME SHAME

    1. Let's get real. We are not a lynching mob. Think about what you are saying. Do you want a law suit against you for taking such stupid actions. Just stay at home and the authorities will let you know when it is time to come out. Simple

    2. Stay home, stay alive!
      What's the problem? Just stay home!

    3. Easy to stay home,wear a mask,6 ft away.All free.Its called respect for yourself, neighbor, the earth,your Governor.

    4. Let the ones who don't think it can happen to them go about their business and watch what happens,then they will try to blame someone when they get the virus. Please just stay home,if you don't do it for yourself do it for your friends, neighbors and community

  13. Could also be rental cars, as they are often out of state tags, but rented locally.

  14. I saw a Massachusetts plate on a car in the lower Delaware area just yesterday.

  15. How can we blame this on Duncan, Lewis, Day and the City of Salisbury???? Some whiner will find a way I’m sure! Hogan and State Police have to own this!

  16. I saw a truck with dealer emblems from and license plate from Colorado in Delmar.

  17. I saw a California car in a Maryland driveway. I’m currently hiding in a tree watching them but don’t worry I’m essential

  18. Jersey rules !! Just try to stop us !!

    1. If Jersey rules so much why do you want to come to Maryland that's right cuz jerseys a ____

    2. I live in Maryland but love Wildwood NJ. Beaches are huge, boardwalk is a hell of a lot better then ocean city, MD. I feel safer in Wildwood too.

  19. 2:48PM—Hogan said he was not going to wear a mask until Trump does.
    BTW I surely hope all those New Yorkers are binging lots of money with them.

    1. There are photos of him wearing a mask all the time
      Wish I could post the pictures

  20. There was a man hanging out his car tagged in new york throwing up at royal farms on walston switch rd. They should fine him and send him back.

  21. Out of state cars are not banned in Maryland. What do you want them to do? They have the right to grocery shop, go to the pharmacy, pick up food -just like you do. Don't blame the police. It isn't their call.

  22. No. What if they have an elderly relative in the state. If the police want to risk stopping them let them. We need to start opening soon.

  23. Driving down Rt. 13 in Fruitland last night in a 45 mph speed limit area when a PA car came flying by me. All I could hope was there would be a cop to stop him before he got too far down the road. Maddening is what it is. Speeding plus in the wrong state.

  24. Yes you can have license plates from another state but live in another. The problem stupid is you have to have a permanent residence in the state your vehicle is tagged in. That is the quarantine laws you have to abide by. You can rob a bank in MD but you go to NY, you still have to be charged in MD and go to court in MD. Same scenario if you are smart enough to comprehend the law.

    1. You obviously stayed in school! ;)

  25. Just another example how Hogan is following the Democrats and not enforcing his own orders to protect Marylanders. Let Hogan know we are not that stupid. We know if your permanent residence is in another State then you are quarantine in that State not run to MD and our beaches to your 2nd / 3rd home and spread your virus to Marylanders. Lock them up

  26. Maybe our DICTATOR HOGAN can help keep these people at their other home.
    I've had enough of this crap , put a mask on keep your distance and move on .
    We are at the Hitler state now with this so called Republican leader who is nothing more than a democrat with communist ideas. Go to China they will love you Hogan.

    1. Hogan has it right! Look at those fools at the beach in Florida! They get sick, take it home and kill their whole family! Unintentional manslaughter?? I think it is intentional

    2. Why is it when a Govenor does something to protect EVERYONE not just Republicans he "Hitler".Part of our lesson here is patience, compassion.Stop all the nastiness!

  27. I give Hogan credit. While his decisions may not please all, I believe he owns them. I have to give him credit for that.

  28. Do you know how ridiculous you all sound. Get a life. Leave it up to the authorities. It called mind your own business.

    1. We. Are getting alot of new Yorkers here I. Baltimore too it's not right

  29. "THEIR HOME"

    Second, third, doesn't matter. Get a life.

    1. Completely agree! If you own a home here you are paying the same taxes no matter where your car license is issued. Think of what this area would be like if “out of towners” did not come to this area. Many of our jobs rely on seasonal vacationers as well as dual state owners. If this is your second home, all you are doing is going from one personal home into your personal car to your other personal home. Seriously, let’s be thankful people want to invest in this area as we are all dependent on it!

    2. You are correct. I fear that this summer will be devastating for my love and home town Ocean City. The idea of renting a condo for a week that has been visited by family after family before I got there Germs galore. Then to be smashed together in close proximity with others on the boardwalk rides games, restaurant and bars and the beach. Added on top of a very very small hospital system that could NOT handle a large outbreak, I am going to say no thank you. Not this summer. Not anything remotely like that until we have a vaccine. Don't frown on the few visitors that you get. It may be all you get for awhile. This makes me very sad.

  30. I say Sweden's strategy is working so screw the government and let's get back to work and play.

  31. Where is the $5,000 fine & Year in Jail for THEM ????

  32. Oh yeah, Hogan is the guy who never wears a mask that he dictates that everyone else wear.

    1. I could be wrong, but wasn't he wearing a mask all of last we eek? Maybe I am missing something here, But what I'm hearing is "fear", and that's normal. I would just hope that people start to respect each other and stop acting like enemies. I fought for each and every person while in the military....I respect every American, people are simply put.....AFRAID!

  33. Plenty of rental vehicles have out of state tags also

  34. Typical idiot Joe post.

  35. Anonymous said...
    You do know that people can live in this state and have plates for another πŸ€”

    April 19, 2020 at 2:06 PM

    UMMM... Wrong answer!! By Maryland law you have 60 days to register your car in Maryland once you move here.

    New to Maryland Titling and Registering Your Vehicle Information

    As a new resident of Maryland you must register your vehicle within 60 days of moving to Maryland. If you delay beyond 60 days, you will not be eligible for a tax credit for any titling tax paid in another state, and you may be subject to a citation for an out of state registration.


    1. MVA is closed captain obvious...nice link...ass

    2. Half of you sound so stupid and ignorent, if I want to keep my New York plates because I work in New York and live in Maryland that is not illegal and I don't have to transfer my title because some people have to have that states driver's license to work in that state and if we're all doing the stuff that we're supposed to be doing i e Wearing our masks and staying at home then what does it matter where we are and for the record when there is a hurricane down there nobody says s*** about when you guys flock up to NY

  36. If the local stores required local ID to get in then at least we could shop with less concern.

  37. Yeah, "rental plates"...sure.

    There are 7200 year round "residents" in Ocean City. Currently, there are now over 20,000 additional people who have escaped from THEIR home because they think that they're safer here - jeopardizing the health and safety of those that really do LIVE HERE.

    AGH has 55 hospital beds and 11 ventilators. Currently, (Thursday 3/16) there were 13 Covid-19 patients admitted into AGH.

    Better not get sick now. Pretty good chance that the hospital bed or ventilator that your or your loved one's will need will already be taken by someone who escaped to here - and brought the coronavirus here with them.

    They don't care one bit about you or me. They only care about themselves. THAT'S NY and NJ people!

    Think that they would be running here if there was a hurricane on the way? How about if the coronavirus was bad here? How about if we were trying to escape to THEIR home?

  38. If you live in another state for more than 30 days you half to change your tags if you're going to make laws you need to give fines

  39. There is nothing that can be done. There are 320 million people in this country and you'd need 160 million to monitor full time the other half. Every time a cop pulls someone over they expose themselves and if they took them to jail they expose everyone there.

    There is also liberty in this country and there is no power to confine someone without trial indefinitely to an area in the name of the greater good. It doesn't matter if you really wish it were not so, that is objective reality.

    All the rhetoric about charging someone with anything is a waste of breath. It'll never get to court, it'll bring endless lawsuits, it's nothing more than a scare tactic. It's the same way with trying to force someone to leave their home during a mandatory evacuation. You can't. You can only inform them no one will come to save them if the situation becomes dire.

    So hop on down from the soapboxes as neither of you have any power nor control to dictate to anyone where they can and can not go and if the situation were reversed 99% of you would be fleeing from the epicenters.

  40. Why do you think they call them "Tourons"??

  41. China laughing right now at Americans turning on each other.

  42. The ignorance and lack of concern for seniors who reside in Sussex County who may become infected is what concerns me most. The "Stay at Home" order by Govenor Carney is a joke. On Eastern weekend we had so many out of state visitors come to Sussex County it was ridiculous.Tourists from PA,NY,NJ,VA etc.think it is a game and they are winning if the get to visit their secondary residence or just visit for the weekend. As a lifelong DE resident our leadership in Government has failed to provide us with proper support to deal this issue.
    We need to intiate a visitors tax on out of state visitors who choose to come to visit .They don't abide by our State Laws so lets at least make money off them. We can use these dollars to purchase PPE to protect our seniors.

  43. Along with the Chinese Virus come Chinese traits. People divided and spying on and ratting each other out and in the same breath ranting about Liberty and Freedom. Let's not loose our heads people that is not what is going to get us through this. Sure those people are not being smart traveling all over the place but take the higher ground and DO what it is you should be doing setting a better example and minding your business at home. It's coming one way or the other. It's not a cloud or a storm that is going to blow over and away. This thing is with us.

  44. Ha. Beach residents love the out-of-state money pumped into their economy any other time, but not during COVID.

  45. Police officers are NOT duty bound to protect you or your property. This myth needs to be abandoned. Police officers are required to enforce the law. If it were their job to protect you then the next time you get mugged you should be allowed to sue your local police department for failing to protect you. But guess what your lawsuit would be tossed out of court because the judge will rule that policing agencies are not duty bound to protect individuals or their property.

  46. We're from the government and we're here to help you! BWAHAHAHAHA!
    since when has the government ever helped anyone? they only look out for themselves! total BS!

  47. My primary residence is in PA but I will gladly stop coming to my second home in OCMD when I receive a refund in my taxes and every other fee I pay to enjoy the place we love. Also as a responsible adult I don’t see the problem with my wife, son and myself coming down and literally hunkering down there. We don’t go any where once we get there! I just feel like that original post was a bit much considering OCMD would have a hard time staying a float without tourism.

    1. Apparently the people that say all the see are out of state plates aren't staying home. Hypocrites

  48. The local and state police need to fine these people and may be they will stay in there home states. This would start with the mayor city council and state govonor

  49. Stay in your own state till this shit is done...if you don't have a ocean use your bath tub get a photo of sand and a coke...but we here are trying to stay safe

  50. Just wondering if you are okay with the hundreds of locals that are at Walmart and Home Depot daily? You should be concerned about your own locals not following the guidelines.
    Oh, btw, I'm from the Philadelphia suburbs and have been down here since March 1. One more thing, I'm an essential worker.
    Again, why is everyone ok with the locals flooding the stores all day long?
    Just admit it that you hate people that don't live here year round. You want your own private little OC. Well, none, I repeat none of these businesses would make it without us. I'm buying local, supporting the local restaurants that are still open. What are you supporting? Walmart?? FOH
    Oh, how about people from Baltimore and DC? They are ok here?

  51. You people don't mind all the money spent by out of town people any other time.

  52. There’s nothing about New Yorkers that’s good

  53. Covid is Everywhere. This discussion may have had relevance 3 weeks ago. You have no right to attempt to limit people’s access to their homes anyway. And I’m here year round and nothing excites me more than the Labor Day exodus.

  54. So now you liberators are asking for MORE governmental control? Make up your minds

  55. The Executive Order mandate was if you crossed state lines you were forced to a 14 day quarantine. That should be enforced and legally can be under Hogan's EO. Thus, law enforcement should be issuing quarantine citations to these folks if seen in grocery stores, etc., or anywhere outside of their 2nd home.

  56. PA @ 8:36 - You're missing the point. The local healthcare and infrastructure cannot support all of the out of town cases that will come here. FEMA gives money and supplies (like ventilators) to local municipalities based on CENSUS data for full time RESIDENTS. Not whether or not you own a second home and pay taxes there. The Federal money that is going towards YOUR care is being sent back WHERE YOU LIVE. Not here. Your care, should you need it, is going to be taken from resources for someone who lives here, if you get sick before they do. You know, like their hospital bed or ventilator. Of course, you don't really care about that, because you PAY TAXES. And people wonder why we "don't like" people from out of town.

  57. Bringing their DRUGS to MD !!!

  58. As long as I am staying inside and maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask. It should not matter where I stay. I know people are staying in motel to keep away from family and friends, so why not stay at a vacation home which is empty.

  59. @ 11:24 - Because you could unknowingly be bringing (more of) the virus in with you when you come here. Because you will be taking someone else's place (who actually lives here) in one of the limited hospital beds if you end up needing one. Because if you get sick while "self quarantining" you WILL go out and get cold medicine and supplies, infecting others in the process. Why is this so hard for some of you to understand? I honestly don't think it is - you just don't care and you're using every excuse that you can think of to "justify" coming here.

  60. Stay OUT from my Maryland & DelMarVA area , infect your own Back Home

  61. The majority of the "locals' that you see at Home Depot are contractors that are working. I cannot tell you how tired we are of seeing people (who are obviously from out of town) casually shopping like they're just on vacation. There is very little "self quarantining" going on by people from out of town, that's obvious.

    The locals that you see in Walmart and the grocery stores are trying to buy the things that they need because THEY LIVE HERE and that's where they go to get their groceries and essentials. Not to mention how wiped out the stores are now. First it was the St Patrick's weekend crowd from out of town who picked our stores clean like a hoard of locusts on March 15th and 16th. Now it's the never ending flow of people from out of town that are coming here and literally filling carts full before beginning their "self quarantining" that isn't really happening. I suppose that next you'll say that we should be thankful for the business. We're getting the "business" alright...

  62. We built our house in Ocean Pines in 1995. I moved here full time over 5 years ago. My husband still works in Pa and is here with me for 3 out of 7 days. I have NOT yet changed my license and registration since he isn’t here full time. I haven’t changed my plate for another reason, it is a phrase to honor the memory of my daughter.
    Don’t assume all out of state licenses are all here to contaminate Maryland. Some people such as myself have valid reasons. Moving here saved my lifeπŸ˜”.

  63. That is Cuomo checking on his MD property !!!

  64. If u dont live here year round stay out

  65. Get MSP on it since they do Nothing else but write traffic tickets !!!

  66. If you own five homes you should be free to live where you want. If you are home less you should be free to do what you want. We are giving away freedom so you can sit in your house and feel safe while we loose liberty

  67. I bet you support Burnie

  68. @ 4:40 - Righto Mayor Meehan ; )

  69. I have homes in PA and MD and travel between. I understand the virus concern. I have a lot of responsibilities monetarily for property taxes, utilities and insurance. Never had a issue with anyplace taking my money in OC prior. If someone wants to step forward and take on those responsibilities I will stay in PA. Until then and I am sure there will be 0 takers I'll be sure to wave to all!

  70. We do not need them bringing covid19 to our stat they need to be turned back and fined if necessary

  71. So u want them out now, but need them when times are good to keep money pumping into your 99pct tourist dependant town? Doesn't work that way.

  72. Why not pick an area thats wants to open up, and disregard our experts like Dr Fauci, let them have thier way, watch for 2 weeks and we ll see if in fact, it spikes higher or not! Like a Guinea pig! NOW, Which town wants to step up and take the risk on, themselves????

  73. All interesting points....but like it or not...Covid is the new flu that is gonna be around and seems all will be exposed to it sooner or later. Wear masks..keep your distance and stay home if your blessed to have one. We're all Americans here...please turn your anger to where this originated...outside of this great land. Its sad that this is happening...and every adult knew this could happen someday...so keep your spirit up for the youth of this world and Fight the good Fight everyday people...tommorow is never promised..so love as much as you can everyday and look out for all. Godspeed to our health...πŸ˜‰

  74. New Yorkers just don't seam to care that's why their state is in so much trouble with the Chinese Virus. They have been doing the same to Pa. Turning cities like Reading and Hazelton into big hotspots. Need a Gov. like Florida to quarantine them for two weeks as they cross the boarder.

  75. Call the police, report them and follow them and when they get out, give them a piece of your mind and demand they leave.

  76. @ April 21, 2020 at 12:38 PM. I have been wanting to go there for a long time. When this is over, I am going there this summer. Looks like a great place.


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