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Monday, April 20, 2020

COVID-19 Deaths Have More Than Doubled In The Past Week Across D.C., Maryland, And Virginia

In total, D.C. has reported five fatalities and another 190 positive cases; Maryland has seen 463 deaths and 12,308 cases; and Virginia has registered 258 deaths and 8,053 cases.

The deaths have not occurred evenly across racial groups in D.C., with black residents composing a disproportionate share of fatalities. The deaths in D.C. also include five Washingtonians experiencing homelessness, four patients at the St. Elizabeths psychiatric hospital, and one inmate and one correctional officer at the D.C. Jail.

In Virginia, Henrico and Fairfax counties have seen the highest number of fatalities. Prince George’s and Montgomery counties have seen the highest death tolls in Maryland. The state is also reporting 71 additional “probable” deaths, which would bring the region’s total to nearly 900 fatalities.

Across the three jurisdictions, the number of new cases has consistently risen by between 6 and 8 percent each day this week, reaching a total of more than 23,000 confirmed cases by Saturday morning.

There are some bright spots. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said Wednesday that hospitalization rates are showing signs of stabilizing in the state and that surge capacity and testing capability have increased. “There are some very real reasons for hope and optimism right now and there is clearly a light at the end of this tunnel,” Hogan said, “but exactly how and when we will get to that light is going to be up to each and every one of us.”



  1. BS!! You haven't even tested barely 1% of population and now about to open things up!! Good luck with this tsunami

    1. Bet you are retired Democrat or on welfare.

  2. If Marylanders think being rid of Hogan is a good thing wait until another Dumbocrat is elected.

  3. Opening things up without a vaccine is insane!! Test everyone, quarentine carriers and pray for vaccine and Gods mercy!! Putting money above life is something that wont go unpunished!

    1. 7:53 pray for a vaccine? Pray for the next step in taking the mark of the beast? Pray for herd immunity. Pray for strength, wisdom, and truth to conquer fear. Satanist just like the Bible says, have to show you what they’re going to do. Pay attention

    2. Pray and ask God Why? Why? Do you think God wants all of us to die because that is what will happen 8f we all stay home - no more life to live. Prayer won't feed your kids forever. God helps them that help themselves. Get out and help.

    3. Heb 2 17-18. Praying for his mercy on us all.

  4. 7:34 AM, probably won't be much different, since Hogan is a Republic in Name Only. RINO, RINO, RINO. Can't think for himself, is led by Dumbocrat thinking.

    1. Eastern Shore needs to divorce Annapolis - PG County etc.

  5. Has anyone told this jerk we have limited testing this side of bridge???

  6. 7:53 No way I’m taking a vaccine. Its will be just like the flu vaccine. Inefficient and full of dangerous adjuvants. Also, if we don’t get back to work there will be many more lives lost than from the wuhan virus.

  7. 8:32 - shut up and stay home like the rest of us. Enough with the whole "I'm a tough guy; I'm not afraid of a little virus; I'm doing what I want to do" mentality. That sort of BS gets people killed. If you are so tough, show us all by heading to one of the many hotspots with no mask on, and go do volunteer work. We'll all wait to see how long you live.

    1. Just because you feel everyone should stay home does not give you the right to call people idiots because they don't agree with you. Do you have children to feed; do you have a mortgage? If these people could stay home and live the life I bet you are living they would. Nothing to do with being a "tough guy".

  8. Testing , testing , testing.
    Then we open up

  9. 7:53,...are you an ANTI-vaxer?

  10. This is really good news, the race it is killing the most has ruined every large city.

  11. OH YES, Now Govt can send us back to work & School !!!! DUGH

  12. Statistics available on population deaths by blood types (Type A more susceptible than O. ?)

    1. I heard that if you have type 0 blood your chances of getting the virus is 0. Go figure🤔

  13. 832 - yes people die everyday, yet whats going around is uncontrolled and can hurt more people faster than people who die daily.

    Enough of this. 832, please gather with lots of people without masks. Do it early, often and when you are dead - we won't have to hear from you anymore.

    Mindsets like 832s well is simply amazing. Cannot imagine all the angst inside this person - let alone how this person functions in society.

    Off with you!

  14. Ocean City will be opening the Beach soon !!!!! Just wear a Mask !!!

    1. Flip flops and halter tops and now masks. No tops - right!

  15. Well, send your kids back to kindergarden now !!! Per the Govt !! Dugh !!

  16. 135 - YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Its about the priorities....and the right ones too!!!!!

  17. Northwest Woodsman: I just read an article in the Seattle times dated 2018 and they were discussing flu and the estimated total deaths for that year and those totals were very close to this Coronavirus pandemic. I realize that it is dangerous, however, could the totals be at least a little inflated from erroneous data? My question is if approximately the same number of deaths have occurred during the previous years with serious outbreaks, why is this being hyped so loudly by the media who are doing nothing but complaining about President Trump. Just curious, but could this outrage be politically oriented to destroy the presidents bid for re-election? Seems very suspicious to me since there ate more deaths in this country from auto accidents and drug overdoses than have died from this virus. Just food for thought.


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