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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Morgan Stanley Publishes Full Timeline Of Upcoming Coronavirus Milestones; Sees Second Coronavirus Peak In December

Now that it has become clear that every day that the US economic shutdown continues as a result of the coronavirus pandemic means billions in economic losses and untold damages to the social fabric of the United States where over 20 million people will soon be unemployed, what all analysts - and frankly everyone else - want to know is i) when will the US reach the peak of the coronavirus curve and ii) when will the US start reopening.

Addressing the first, we showed some good news yesterday when the latest JPMorgan coronavirus "curve" showed the US fast approaching the peak of the curve, i.e., the end of the "late accumulation" phase, and sliding into recovery.

Yet while the first wave of the pandemic appears to be approaching its zenith, the big concern is that a second, even more powerful wave may emerge afterwards if the Spanish flu pandemic is any indication.


1 comment:

  1. Since when did morgan stanley enter the medical field?


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