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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Doctors Fear Coronavirus Survivors May Have Lasting Damage To Multiple Organs

Doctors treating coronavirus patients have begun to worry that survivors may sustain lasting damage to several organs - not just the lungs, according to the Los Angeles Times.

For the sickest patients, infection with the new coronavirus is proving to be a full-body assault, causing damage well beyond the lungs. And even after patients who become severely ill have recovered and cleared the virus, physicians have begun seeing evidence of the infection’s lingering effects.

In a study posted this week, scientists in China examined the blood test results of 34 COVID-19 patients over the course of their hospitalization. In those who survived mild and severe disease alike, the researchers found that many of the biological measures had “failed to return to normal.” -Los Angeles Times

One alarming observation have been test results indicating that recovered patients continue to have impaired liver function after patients had been cleared for discharge.

Another concern from cardiologists are the immediate effects of COVID-19 on the heart, raising questions over how long the damage may last. As the Times notes, "In an early study of COVID-19 patients in China, heart failure was seen in nearly 12% of those who survived, including in some who had shown no signs of respiratory distress."



  1. It is a biological weapon

  2. This is how you know it is a bio weapon then!!!!! This is the exact strain from Canada back in 2003 or when ever it was and no one had lasting health damage because of it...

  3. This doesn’t sound like a normal virus.

  4. of course they will. 9/11 first responders (god rest many souls) have died over many of the last years.



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