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Thursday, April 30, 2020


The outbreak of COVID-19 infections among Delmarva poultry workers could threaten not only the tri-state area but also the nation’s food supply chain, Gov. Larry Hogan said Wednesday.

There are at least 262 confirmed cases of COVID-19 associated with poultry workers in Maryland, Hogan said. He said those infections are partly the reason why “the case rate per 100,000 [people] in Wicomico County is now the fifth-highest in the state, nearly equal to Baltimore City and higher than Baltimore County.

“These outbreaks are not only a serious public health concern; they’re also a potential threat to Maryland’s leading agricultural industry and to our nation’s essential food-supply chain,” Hogan said at a Wednesday afternoon news conference at the State House in Annapolis.

The governor said that after he learned of the outbreaks, he alerted Vice President Mike Pence in a phone call on Friday. Pence agreed to have Dr. Robert Redfield of the Centers for Disease Control and Infection follow up, Hogan said.



  1. Bob Aswell....RealistApril 30, 2020 at 12:48 PM

    Will you tell me why the Hell you're listening to anything Hogan is saying? He's been proven wrong more times than not and also surrounded by a gaggle of nuts, (Day, Meehan, Carrozza Cuomo) and other mixed nuts. He's the top eliminator of the worst Governors in Md. history and yet you're taking what he's telling you for face value. The Einstein Theory applies here and Maryland is the poster child for it.

    The only solace I have is in knowing that when this is finally over the regs. they have and will put in place are not in your favor. I say let the punishment fit the crime so all you petty dictators are going to bite the dust because you dummies have forgotten Hogan won't ever be involved in politics again and you won't either because the voters and the broken business owners will voice the pattern of idiocrasy purveyed by none other than you. By the way, where is Corrozza? Has Hogan replaced her or typical of a woman is she remaining incognito behind silence? Wow, what a position for the one who campaigned on transparency and the service to the voters. Well she had good teachers. She came from big Dumbocratic government in D.C. to big Dumbocratic government in Md. Remember, she's elected to the job now and she doesn't need YOU anymore. Keep her there forever like you did Mathias.. another let down.

  2. Hogan the Horrible strikes again.

  3. The reason that there are so many cases in Wicomico County is because that DUMB MF’er Lockdown Larry refuses to close our border to Sussex County wherethe infection rate is 5 times higher than Wicomico County! Hogan is using Wicomico citizens as pawns and wanting us to get the infections. The more infections in Maryland the more Federal dollars Hogan will demand from Trump!! You people need to wake up and speak out!!

    1. Or, that the majority of people around here wouldn't stay home!

  4. Did these employees test positive with symptoms. Or just positive. Anyone of them with symptoms? You need for the authorities to clarify their statements. Tired 9f being mislead.

  5. Hogan why are you allowing travel from the Western Shore and out of State to come on the Eastern Shore? Hogan you are allowing this virus to increase by your incompetent leadership. Also your illegals are starting to flood the Eastern Shore from sanctuary areas. WHY? When are you going to take responsibility, since you are getting paid as the Governor? Hogan needs to quit acting and leading like a Democrat and govern by saving lives instead of allowing violators of your stay at home order move freely?

  6. I agree with 1:58. People from Sussex County are coming here and buying vehicles from dealerships and we can't even go there to BJ's and use our membership we paid for.

    1. They are buying up all of our vehicles?! That is complete anarchy !!!

  7. how about we stop out of state visitors PGH has alot of New Yorkers with the virus send them back to NEW YORK

    1. Northwest Woodsman: New York New York.

  8. Do you realize how much bag money Hogan got from the Liberal elites at PRMC? That should tell you why the steady stream of infected Delawareans is coming here. This will continue until the people stand up and scream to the elected ones. Carroza- AWOL, Charles Otto- AWOL all the time, Anderton- AWOL Rhino These are the talking heads that begged your vote and got it...now they are showing exactly what they are...Wooden heads.

  9. Then why doesn't he close the eastbound bridge?

  10. gotta protect Perdue's almighty dollar!

  11. If Lockdown Larry was so concerned about virus spreading, he could of set checkpoints at Eastbound Rt. 50 before the Bay Bridge, where the toll booths used to be, and check every Vehicle With Out of State Tags, instead of Freely Allowing Flood of NY, NJ, PA and others. So, ask yourself a question, who is he "serving"? The Maryland residents Well-being or Democrat Agenda in Annapolis?


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