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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Amazon Purchases Cameras From Blacklisted Chinese Company

Amazon has purchased cameras designed to measure the temperature of its workers from a Chinese company that was blacklisted by the United States for helping China commit human rights violations against the Uighurs and other Muslim minorities, according to Reuters.

China-based Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co Ltd sent 1,500 cameras to Amazon in April in a deal worth nearly $10 million, according to sources.

"It's troubling to learn that well-known American companies are continuing to turn a blind eye to companies that are fueling the Chinese Communist party's brutal treatment of so many of their own people," Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, who works on the House foreign affairs committee, told Reuters.

Amazon declined to confirm whether it bought cameras from Dahua but said the company's product complied with local, state, and national laws.



  1. Amazon ??? I ordered a blanket from Amazon and when I took it out of the package the odor reminded me of kerosene - what 3rd world country did they get that from. Don't trust Amazon. I also ordered a pair of Keds tennis shoes at 50.00 and I received a cheap wood picture frame. It was a huge hassle to return and later I got a bill telling me I would be charged a fine fine if I didn't pay for the shoes. Stay away from Amazon.

  2. Anyone truly surprised that rules don't apply to the very wealthy.

    Probably get a slap on the wrist.


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