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Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Heal yourself


  1. First off, I’m not an MD, so I don’t have the solution to this problem but I have been researching what different MD’s are saying. I heard a totally different opinion about treating patients. I heard one MD say the people who are dying have ramped up immune systems that are overreacting to the virus and thus damaging vital organs. Most MD’s that I’ve heard from are supporting the use of Chloroquine to treat patients - this medicine is mainly for people who suffer from arthritis- the medicine basically tames a persons immune system from attacking joints -
    I hear they are also testing colchicine which is a gout medicine that does the same thing. With that being said, it seems to me that boosting your immune system for people who suffer from the various ailments caused by being overweight might not be the right approach.

  2. So, you're saying a suppressed immune system is best for fighting the virus? Interesting.

    1. Actually yes. I know it sounds weird but those meds lower the immune systems attack. It sounds crazy and counter intuitive- I totally get that. Colchicine especially is designed to slow the roll of the immune system attacking joints where purines (crystal like proteins) that settle in the joints and the immune system attacks like a foreign body- for some it leads to gouty arthritis- most painful arthritis where the immune system is actually destroying the joint in attempt to attack the purines. I’d love to hear from an MD on the subject.

  3. Yes - you are not a M.D. Thanks for that synopsis. We will move on now

  4. Yes our own immune system can kill us. When a response is triggered by a foreign entity it does not discriminate between that entity and our own healthy cells. Immunology is probably the for most science that we need to come to understand. Our own bodies are capable of many defensive responses it just happens some kill us in the process. Being able to regulate suppress and sometimes escalate that response it what is at the for front of Medicine right now. Helps though if you have good genetics and a healthy life style.

  5. Google Colchicine and Covid-19- you will see an article “In a clinical trial called “COLCORONA” Colchicine is being used to combat the excessive inflammatory reaction caused by the Coronavirus that may lead to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) organ failure and death.” - I get how my assertion that overactive immune systems might be the culprit but I do know that Chloroquine and Colchicine actively tame an overactive immune system and the medical community is looking at that area fervently.


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