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Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Be Patient People

No sooner did I clear out the 144 comments awaiting, another 60+ were waiting to be published soon after. Between putting up articles and then moderating comments, (especially now that so many are home) it takes quite a bit of time to moderate almost 1,000+ comments a day. That being said, while I appreciate your comments, know we are doing our very best to keep up. Something NO OTHER NEWS SOURCE can state.  


  1. And we appreciate you. Thanks Joe

  2. Most other news sources don't moderate and omit comments they don't agree with.

    1. Jake you block anyone who disagrees with you on Facebook so shut up.

  3. It's an excellent source to read how others feel about a particular situation. Thanks for your blog.

  4. I agree with 1:29. I tried to post a comment on the thread yesterday about raised egg prices, suggesting that someone charging an extra few dollars for eggs was not the same thing as rape and that word choice matters- never got posted. I'm not a bleeding heart liberal by any stretch of the imagination- I just don't think rape is something to be taken lightly or compared to other things far less traumatic and serious.

  5. I see Jake Day's name, now that is some funny stuff.

    Joe, if you had to guess, you may even know, is he the main person who's name shows up all the time?

  6. That's correct 1:29

  7. Good grief the mouth breathers and window lickers are large and thinking they are in charge....AGAIN.

    THANKS for your continued service in OUR community Joe!
    Two days until TGIF!

  8. 1:10
    Hear here!

    It is getting old and I might stop wasting time
    Very hard to wake up people and this used to be a great forum for it
    Not any longer

  9. Hard to delete all those comments you don't agree with. Why not just publish them all? Oh yeah, forget it, that's a rhetorical question.


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