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Friday, April 03, 2020

FISA reauthorizations in doubt after findings that FBI surveillance was riddled with major errors

New findings by the Justice Department inspector general that the FBI has repeatedly violated surveillance rules could impact Congress' pending reauthorization of key powers related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), with top Republican lawmakers already saying the DOJ report will have major consequences for surveillance law.

Several surveillance provisions under the 2015 USA Freedom Act have lapsed in recent weeks, at least temporarily, because the House has not yet passed the Senate's 77-day temporary extension. The House had amended portions of the law in its own proposed three-year reauthorization, but the Senate couldn't reach an agreement on the matter and decided to try to punt the matter so that lawmakers could focus on the coronavirus pandemic.

The three lapsed provisions include the "roving wiretap" power, which enables authorities to obtain a warrant from the FISC without identifying the target, and while following a target from one device to another. Also included is the "lone wolf" power, which allows authorities to obtain a FISA court warrant without demonstrating that the target is working for a foreign entity. A records provision that allows authorities to seize telephone metadata and banking records, among other documents, is also suspended.

The DOJ has called on Congress to renew the surveillance provisions, even as it acknowledged they were not perfect.



  1. They gather all the information in mass. EVERYTHING. And if you never step out of line your info stays right in the box. If you are a threat or a challenge to the swamp they start looking at everything you have ever done. Even if you never broke the law they will find something to twist and misrepresent and "leak" to the media.

  2. Jefferson would have lined up EVERYONE --- cops, judges, senators, investigators, clerks, and anyone else even REMOTELY involved in SECRET (!!!!!!) charges, trials, and prisons,

    against the wall and shot them.
    These people have TRAMPLED and wiped their ace on the Constitution.

    Because you idiot cheerleaders cheered them on.

    Wait for your turn (and your turn WILL come). Just don't wait for anyone to save you.

    This situation we are experiencing now may be the final turn of the screw for all the wanna-be Nazi's and their enforcers.

    Surveillance and persecution of millions of INNOCENT people will come to an end. Thank God.

    P.S. I hope you have a few guns and ammo --- they won't give up just because we ASK them to....

  3. Cut off the Penises of each man involved in this lie, bet they never do it again and others won't either!

  4. FISA is a bunch of crooks that rubber stamp everything and do nothing to uphold the law. They are a bunch of lazy do nothing Judges welching off the TAX Payer.

  5. After the Democrat Criminals incl Obama & Hillary were discovered !!!!!

  6. Lock up OBAMA !!!!


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