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Friday, April 03, 2020

Fauci Says Lockdown Will Continue Until There Are No "New Cases" Of COVID-19

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci says that the United States will not come out of lockdown until there are no “new cases” of coronavirus, prompting some to question precisely how long that will be

During yesterday’s White House briefing, Fauci, who has become the face of America’s response to the coronavirus, was asked by a reporter whether social distancing measures will be imposed until there is a drug or vaccine to treat COVID-19.

“I think if we get to the part of the curve that Dr. Birx showed yesterday when it goes down to essentially no new cases, no new deaths at a period of time. I think it makes sense that you will have to relax social distancing

“The one thing we hopefully would have in place, and I believe we will have in place, is a much more robust system to be able to identify someone who was infected, isolate them and then do contact tracing,” he added.

The prospect of there ever being zero new coronavirus cases appears to be a very long way off, leading some to question if Fauci was asking Americans to adopt social distancing indefinitely, or at least until a vaccine is available.

“Fauci said that we can start to “relax” social distancing once there are “no new cases, no deaths.” Is it just me or is that completely batshit insane?” asked Matt Walsh. “That would keep us in a lockdown for many months or years. And if the virus becomes endemic, forever. How can that be the plan?”



  1. May and most all of June is lockdown. Per my contact in The Government

    1. Oh, aren’t you somebody ! Guess your contact is better than the President and all the doctors

  2. A forest fire isn't out until it's all out.

  3. Bob Aswell realistApril 3, 2020 at 11:15 PM

    Fauci must be thinking with his d#^k because his head has to know better. Case in point... When this Country has spent the treasury dry, where's it going to come from? The President needs to stop letting liberals like Fauci run the show. Also check to see if he's a Dimocrat. His professional opinion should suffice and policy left to the military strategy
    experts who get paid to assess risk and loss. Things are ass backwards and now surfacing. If you don't think so call the Governors' office and see how many calls they're getting from business owners and and folks who want to go back to work. Its a load. Contact Marybeth Corrozza and see if this isn't correct.

    Faucis' living is guaranteed and he's like the rest of the Doctors sitting on a pile of money he's made from people like you and me. He's a doctor not an economist. He shouldn't be allowed to make a prognoses about the collapse of this Country and possibly a cure that makes us a loser, not a leader.

    It's funny to me no one has mentioned the fact soldiers are expendable yet in this 'war' there is NO quotient to justify the loss of the civilian population. We are depending on computer simulations that doesn't analyse ALL of the data.

    Its funny why No data from Mexico and Canada has been introduced in the mix. Are they all dead or did any survive or have they found a vaccine?

    After this has passed, what will the damage to the Country be and can it be FIXED?

    Hogan and Trump may as well face it. When it comes to the point caution is silly, people are going to move on their own and the law won't be able to control them. At that point Fauci has done his job for the Dimocrats, blockheads like Hogan are long gone and the Dims are all laughing because Trump has bet on the WRONG horse.

  4. Which is in November or December.

  5. 9:56. We can’t sustain that amount of time.

  6. How long will it take before a man who is losing his house because the local slumlord is down to his last 20 million (in case you didn't know, in Salisbury, there are several slumlords with over FIVE HUNDRED rental houses and they want their money, no matter if bubonic plague takes over - at least one of them has over 1000 run-down ghetto dumps he rents for $1200-1500 A MONTH!.)
    What will he do when his children haven't eaten in 2 days?
    He's going to do what most of us would do --- WHATEVER it takes. There aren't enough police in the world to stop it (once it starts, DON'T be the heroic public "servant" that wants to stop it). Think about your kids.
    In the Great Depression, people still remained (for the most part) civilized and polite.
    NOW, they are armed and angry.

    Good luck.

    Oh yeah. Keep telling the rest of us how smart you are and how you've saved up for a global pandemic. Your stuff is getting taken too.
    You can fire two guns at once, but it won't be very much good when thirty people are firing back. And they go the "nice" neighborhoods first.

  7. Only after a complete collapse of all the world's economies and currencies. Then out of the ashes will rise the UN to establish a World govt. and one international currency under one rule.

  8. Fauci needs to go. If Pelosi forms this new committee to impeach Pres Trump, Fauci will be their main witness. Fauci is a Democrat plant doing nothing to help solve this virus.

  9. Why not prevent all from doing business until no one comes down with ANY disease; common flu & cold, cancer, meningitis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and all the rest?

    POOF! You just made the entire country a communist regime!

    Leave doctors to their "advice" and run the economy in a way to prevent it's death along the way. Get ahead on treatment drugs and equipment for a couple of weeks more then go back to work using masks & distancing. This stuff is going to get everywhere, and as long as we slow it down to a manageable pace, we can get through this.

    Give me Liberty, or give me death! That's as true today as it ever was.

  10. It's going to be a LOOOOONG Time so GET the damn Unemployment

    NEW Required SYSTEM UP & Running !!!! We need $$$$ NOW !!

  11. Will continue Until Pelosi is thrown OUT of office !!!!


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