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Sunday, April 19, 2020

City of Salisbury Maryland Circus

Desperate for attention, (all of them) Jake Day held a teleconference on coronavirus. Daddy Day jumped in as well but Jake's wife was nowhere to be found. You had to hear the ridiculous patting on the backs love fest that was going on. Don't you ever tell me my job is easy. Anyone subjected to this oral/visual abuse should get an award.


  1. Why in the world is daddy there? Jake is a clown.

  2. This is disgusting. What don’t you get here. Jake doesn’t care about his wife. He doesn’t support her it’s all a front. He is so abusive it’s ridiculous!

  3. Looks like Randy Day is on his family’s boat? I thought recreational boating is prohibited in Maryland?

    1. He just picked a background for the call. People do that, especially when they are at home.

  4. The only reason Mike Dunn is kept around is to jerk Jake Day's ego off couple times a day. Mike that teleconference doesn't do that reconstructed eye socket any good that old Scotty B helped you with. Hey off your knees Dunn it's becoming pathetic

    1. Must have been from coke rage!

  5. What an absolute frightening group of ultra leftists liberals and socialists I’ve ever seen all together supposedly strategizing the future of Salisbury and it’s impact on Wicomico County.

  6. I think this is Monday evening, after the parade photo started drawing an outcry about the Mayor's lack of common sense. I know one person there had to take a work call about 5:30.

  7. 1:15pm, the only reason Mike Dunn is kept around is to jerk Jake Day's what off? Ha ha ha ha

  8. When Democrats run the show this is what you get.

  9. Looks like the Brady bunch with Jake being Jan... Marsha Marsha Marsha

  10. Getting a little tired of the Jake show as are others. Boy has his head swelled.

  11. Daddy Day, you know you'll need to give your boy another job after this joker is finished as mayor, right?

  12. Michelle Wright, what a F'g LOSER!! She hasn't got anything better to do than to listen to that P.O.S. Jake Day. That LOSER doesn't even live in the city limits.

  13. Look, there's Mike Dumb!!

  14. Next time make sure you screen capture all 48 or the idiots listening to that Bafoon!

  15. Oh Look! Daddy Day had to put a sweatshirt on and sit on the dock so that he could show off that he owns waterfront property. The extremes people go through so that they can impress people. Everyone else knew that it was too damn cold to go outside. Fkg Show off!! I tried to give Randy Boi the benefit of the doubt but this takes the cake.

  16. Look at that Homo Steve Leonard from PRMC with his $700,000 a year job. Bunch of dumb idiots on that PRMC Board. Bill McCain was one of them.

  17. Look at Jack Heath. WTH is that Jack and Linda crap on his screen. When I see his and her names like that I always think the husband is a cheater or less than a man when they have shared social media accounts.

  18. Michele Gregory looks high. She must be eating some of her stepson's marijuana brownies again. She's been known to smoke his marijuana prescription. She tried to sell me some the last time I was there, said she wasn't getting paid enough on the city council.

  19. Gott Damm, Donna Hanlin looks like an old HAG!

  20. Who's phone number is 410.341.8989?? Everyone should call them and give them a hard time for kissing Jake Day's A$$!


  21. Tri-County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland

    (410) 341-8989

    What idiot from the Tri-County Council was wasting their time with Jake Day. Proves that we taxpayers waste too much money funding them. It's time for the citizens in Worcester, Somerset and Wicomico Counties to start contacting your county council representatives and demand that they discontinue funding those agencies. If you live in Wicomico County you have to contact Bob Culver first.

  22. Look at Michele Gregory's greasy hair all slicked back. She could have at least taken a shower and washed her hair. She looks like she is wearing her husband's flannel shirt.

  23. Who are all of these people? What do some of them have to do with the city? was it recorded?

  24. What is this crap? When did it take place??

  25. I heard there wasn't much talk about the coronavirus, it was most of those business idiots trying to promote their business.

    Then that moron, Jim Mathias got on there and talked about the UMES Physician Assistant Program getting out of jail and starting back up in August. WTF did that have to do about the Covid-19???

    Nothing but a bunch of irrelevant a$$holes wanting to hear themselves speak.

  26. Hey Jim Mathias, can you say Mary Beth Carozza??

  27. Brent Miller trying to kiss Jake Day's ass so that he can get some of those same perks that Gillis Gikerson gets.

  28. Anonymous said...
    This is disgusting. What don’t you get here. Jake doesn’t care about his wife. He doesn’t support her it’s all a front. He is so abusive it’s ridiculous!

    April 15, 2020 at 1:04 PM

    No he doesn't. He only married her to get elected. He wanted people to think that he was an all American man with a wife and children. Those poor kids.

  29. Does anyone know when Liz Day's court date is?

  30. she was getting a fix

  31. Eli Modlin, another Progressive Douche Bag ass kisser. How do you think he got the job as SU Presidents' "chief of staff."

  32. Jake Day looks like a freakin goober with that high and tight. Don't worry, Goob, you will be bald and ugly like yo daddy in a couple of years.

    1. 936

      Jake looks like BURT
      on Burt and Earnie puppet show

    2. What do you mean will be?

  33. Why is Donna Hannlin's picture highlighted with the green box?

  34. Poor Jim Mathias... He had to use his connections through his years as an elected clown of the state to get a good paid job at UMES.

    Does anyone know what his salary is?

    Does anyone know if this job was created for him?

  35. Anonymous said...
    The only reason Mike Dunn is kept around is to jerk Jake Day's ego off couple times a day. Mike that teleconference doesn't do that reconstructed eye socket any good that old Scotty B helped you with. Hey off your knees Dunn it's becoming pathetic

    April 15, 2020 at 1:15 PM

    He's got Chris Demone and Jordan Gilmore to do that for him.

  36. Anonymous said...
    The only reason Mike Dunn is kept around is to jerk Jake Day's ego off couple times a day. Mike that teleconference doesn't do that reconstructed eye socket any good that old Scotty B helped you with. Hey off your knees Dunn it's becoming pathetic

    April 15, 2020 at 1:15 PM

    "Mike that teleconference doesn't do that reconstructed eye socket any good that old Scotty B helped you with."

    Can you please elaborate on that reconstructed eye socket story? I think the world would like to know more about that.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Looks like Randy Day is on his family’s boat? I thought recreational boating is prohibited in Maryland?

    April 15, 2020 at 1:09 PM

    It might be his dock. He owns waterfront property. Looks like he is showing off to me.

  38. Anonymous said...
    she was getting a fix

    April 15, 2020 at 8:46 PM


  39. Anonymous said...
    He just picked a background for the call. People do that, especially when they are at home.

    April 15, 2020 at 8:00 PM


  40. What is this and when was it? I didn't get invited to the party!

  41. Donna HAGlin, you should have stayed retired because you are not liked or wanted in Wicomico County. Take your boyfriend Gene Malone with you.

  42. Where is John Cannon's picture? Surely he was on that call kissing up to his butt buddy Jake Day so code compliance won't harass him or is slum lord properties.

  43. What are those little pink penis' in lower left-hand corners?

  44. Well at least he didn’t give the City Officers pantyhose to wear on their faces like the Sheriffs Office did. This is true. Not a joke at all.

  45. Ewww... Michele Gregory gets uglier every time I see her.

  46. Is M. Gregory and J. Gould still doing that coochie thing?

  47. Michele Garigliano? 🤣


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