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Friday, April 03, 2020


‘This is very sad for America’

Police in Virginia are charging a smoke shop employee for shooting at masked intruders who were breaking into the store early Sunday.

33-year-old Hamzeh Abushariah was asleep in the back office of Arlington Smoke Shop when he heard loud noises at 4:30 in the morning.

With the clamor waking him, Abushariah grabbed a firearm and encountered three masked individuals inside the shop, robbing the place.



  1. This needs to be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court!

  2. I'd venture to say the only reason he was charged was because of the protective order against him. Those usually have a clause that prohibits you from being in possession of a firearm.

  3. I would of done same thing except they would of been leaving in bags. I would just have to be charged but my safety or family’s safety is more important. If they’re dumb enough to cross that line then that’s on them what happens next.

  4. LAW ABIDING CITIZENApril 3, 2020 at 1:11 PM

    Cops like Shawty Lewis,
    love to charge law Abiding citizens with crimes to protect their property and other.

    once this hits the Courts Po Po will lose their azz

  5. I heard a judge tell a defendant one time that "when you look for trouble, don't come to the courts because you found more trouble than you thought you would."
    In other words, if they had not been BREAKING INTO A STORE, they would be still sitting in the alley hitting the crack bowl and also, still alive.

    I GUARANTEE, right now, as you read this, there are people on Church Street, Delaware Ave, Isabella Street, etc., PLANNING about robbing, looting, and rioting (in order to cover the looting and robbing).

    How long do you think landlords, excuse me, multimillionaire SLUMLORDS, in Salisbury, will take to evict their tenants? 5 days. That's how long.
    They are down to their last 13 million dollars and don't know what to do.
    This is going to get pretty bad. Most people didn't inherit millions and don't have rich dad's who can provide anything they need.
    What they DO have, is an AK-47 or a .45. They will begin TAKING what the stores and the government can't provide.
    I told you a while back to buy guns and ammo.
    Now you can't.

    See how that works out for your family.

    Keep cheering.

  6. 🖕 Virginia Dems they need to HANG.


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