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Friday, April 03, 2020


The largest nursing home (from what I understand) in the State of Maryland is Salisbury Rehabilitation and Nursing
Center/Salisbury Genesis Eldercare at the corner of Route 50 and Civic Center — they have 305 beds (PRMC is licensed for 260+ beds). That facility has been sending NUMEROUS possible Covid19 patients to the ER at PRMC daily. I’m talking, at least 10 patients are being sent out daily. This nursing home has long been seen as a place where you really, really didn’t want to end up. It has been seen as a place with piss poor nursing care. It’s quite sad. Every resident has the same experience. Now, the 1 thing you should know is that if a resident from that nursing came back positive for Covid19, you would never find out. The public would never hear about it. Why wouldn’t you find out?

PRMC is the place where the resident’s results would come back to, but why would the public never find out? Well... PRMC doesn’t want to tarnish the nursing home’s image — that particular nursing home is OWNED BY PRMC. That is completely true, but they never show off their red headed step child. The state’s biggest nursing home, Salisbury Rehab and Nusing Home is a large asset in the Peninsula Regional Medical Group portfolio. Interesting, isn’t it?

What results are being hidden by PRMC? They CANNOT be trusted, that’s been proven. They are NOT transparent, and only they only think of themselves, and figure out how to legally line their pockets while trying to keep their nonprofit status.

Thanks Joe. The public must know!


  1. How does Genesis Health care figure into this scenario?

  2. You must understand that most nursing facilities and hospitals are run by CNA's with about 3 weeks of schooling . This is done so they can make a profit. I'm 77 years old and have first hand experience with PRMC and Genesis
    They are qualified to change diapers and clean , also empty pp jars . Most are black African Americans . I'm not being racist , just telling the truth.

    1. What does ""most of the employees at Genesis being African Americans"" have to do with the price of eggs in China. They could all be Chinese what difference does it make? if they only have a certain amount of training that's what matters.

    2. It has nothing to do with china, who's talking about china?

    3. Actually to get a CNA is an 8 hour class and pass with C or better

    101 E STATE ST
    KENNETT SQUARE PA 19348-3109
    U.S. 50 AT CIVIC AVE
    SALISBURY MD 21801

    It appears that it is some kind of partnership.
    Much work is done by aides who are not CNA. Can be employed with no geriatric medical training. And when fired for incompetence, they often move from home to home.

  4. PRMC and Genesis Nursing Home SUCK!!!!!!!
    They have for many decades! They both have much blood on their hands!

  5. 12:44. If you are not being racist then what does the ethnic background of the employee actually have to do with your comment? Is white CNA with 3 weeks of schooling better than a black CNA with 3 weeks of schooling or is it the other way around? I’m sure you’re not being racist.

    1. 2:04 you tell us who you would rather have

  6. another good example of why private healthcare is an ineffieient, evil disgrace that does nothing for the public..you think the socialist systems in Europe are bad right now with Corona? Watch the US in a few weeks....'murica...

  7. HIPPA just allows these big business to hide and scare the truth away.

    God bless any nurse, care taker, janitor, secretary, (etc) that is putting their life in danger while higher ups make their bonuses and would never sacrifice their life or that of the their child. If people around here even knew 1/2 of the truth, they would stay home. Don't trust the data.

    1. HIPAA, not HIPPA. This makes me crazy.

  8. Anon 12:44. You say you are not racist? I have news for you, the simple fact that you felt it necessary to comment that "Most are black African Americans" is a very strong clue that you are indeed racist. Your comment was disgusting.

    1. Why is her comment disgusting? Its the truth.

    2. Because the white ones are even lazier. You have to constantly remind themof their jobs which they think is sitting in a patients room watching tv,listening to the patient's radio, and scrolling on the mobile devices. Enough said

  9. If PRMC owns the nursing home use the bed and keep/treat ill patients there. Just a thought.

  10. Genesis is run by prmc??? Methinks too much time at home is causing madness. Please go back to sleep.

  11. Also, not the biggest nursing home in Maryland. That would be “Hebrew home of greater washington” with 558 beds. Stella Maris is second with 412. Salisbury is 305 which is third. I believe the partnership is on the rehabilitation side not the nursing home side. So grand conspirators aside, you can be sure, if there was an outbreak you would hear, please relax and stop starting stuff.

  12. Also, the 101 e state street address is genesis headquarters.......wait does that mean genesis owns prmc!!!! This is all a gigantic genesis coverup! Genesis strikes again. This is really a wasted post. We are all dumber having read it.

  13. Honestly, there are no truly good nursing homes in Salisbury. However, I agree that Genesis is one of the very worst. From what I've seen, the biggest problem is that there is nowhere near enough RNs on staff, likely because they can make a lot more money in other areas of the medical community. The CNAs, GNAs, and aides have far too many patients to care for (as do the RNs). Ultimately, many of them seem to get a bad attitude (somewhat understandable, but not OK for the patients that need their care). They get fired for lousy reasons many times, and then the problems get worse - shorter staffed than before, and training new hires. I truly wish someone would open a truly good nursing home in the area.

    As for PRMC, I'd love to know how they keep getting great ratings because they really are worse than subpar for many reasons. This is NOT to degrade any of the staff that DO care and try, but their hands are tied in many ways. It's sad that the leadership (that trickles down, of course) is all about money and not much else. I've seen several recent comments on other articles that mention the overblown egos of many local doctors getting in the way of care. This is incredibly, and sadly, true. I would do all I could to never, ever have to go to PRMC.

  14. The writer of this post did get part of the article correct.
    Genesis Salisbury with 305 beds is the LARGEST GENESIS Facility in the State of Maryland. Other than that the caveat offered at the beginning of the article (from what I understand)is saving grace for the writer. A full investigation has begun in regards to the above allegations.

  15. PRMC is out of control. The board and senior leadership have lost their mind. VP's are ready to quit. Directors are ready to quit. All our senior leadership thinks is it's a "horserace". That's what we're reduced to in the eyes of senior leadeship.....

  16. To the author of this thread. I have placed both of my parents in Genesis. An outstanding job was done by all. This most emphatically includes the African American aids. Whatever that has to do with it is beyond me. By the way, whilst we’re tossing around horribly discriminating generalizations, my parent was a red headed step child, melding into a wonderful, loving family. So, you can take your ignorant accusations and falsehoods back to the Neanderthal dark space occupying the cavity between your ears.

  17. Blacks Always pull that card just look here a nursing issues turns into a racist issue.

    You guys have to get over being butt hurt since Obama left 1600 Penn ave.

  18. If i was disabled i wouldn't give a damn what race was assisting me--JUST SAY THANKS and be glad anyone would do that job for very minimal compensation..RACE ISN'T THE PROBLEM--EDUCATION,MANAGEMENT AND PISS POOR PAY IS.!

  19. It is disgusting that she thought it was important to point out the color of ones skin as though that somehow matters.


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