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Thursday, March 12, 2020

Wicomico Civic Center events continue to proceed as scheduled; Venue continuing to monitor COVID-19 situation

Wicomico Civic Center events continue to proceed as scheduled

Venue continuing to monitor COVID-19 situation


SALISBURY, Md. - Wicomico Civic Center officials are monitoring updates regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19), and events at the venue are proceeding as planned.

The venue’s decision to proceed with scheduled shows and events was guided by the Wicomico County Health Department and the Department of Emergency Services.

As of Thursday morning, there are no reported cases of coronavirus in Wicomico County.

“The safety and health of our guests, staff and community remains our top priority,” said Civic Center Manager Katie Rouse. “After consulting with our local health department and emergency services officials, we feel comfortable proceeding with the events scheduled at the venue.”

The Civic Center has increased efforts to prevent the spread of germs per the CDC’s recommendations, including:
·         Educating staff on preventative measures
·         Increased levels of cleaning and sanitation, particularly at touch points such as doorknobs, railings, etc.
·         Increased signage in public spaces and restrooms with CDC information/preventative information
·         Precautionary steps such as staff wearing gloves where appropriate

Guests are encouraged to practice everyday preventative actions recommended by the CDC, including:
  • Clean your hands often
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home if you are sick
  • Cover coughs and sneezes
  • Clean and disinfect

Individuals can learn more about preventative measures at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/prevention.html.

Decisions made by officials are fluid and can be changed at any point. The Civic Center will continue to monitor the situation through regular updates from the CDC and the Wicomico County Health Department. Any updates will be shared with the press, as well as posted to the venue’s website (www.WicomicoCivicCenter.org) and social media outlets.


  1. How is that possible? Hogan said no events with over 250 people

  2. Coronas will be served !!! LOL

  3. 6:34 I think this was announced prior to Hogan’s press conference.

  4. looks like Wicomico county doesn't give damn about the public; just collect the money so the county can waste it. Hogan has done the correct call

  5. So, our CONSTITUTION says we have the right to assembly and it doesn't put any limits on the number of people who can assemble or why they assemble.
    With the flick of a pen, he erases that right.

    This is a test.

    I told you before, the Bill of Rights is dead. Usurped by politicians.

    Now, we need to do to them what Jefferson said we would eventually HAVE to do.

  6. Can't lose a dollar to hell with killing people.

  7. Dumb Ass County Officials ---- Thought so before, but this just proves it

  8. They have to make every nickel they can or we the taxpayers will have to subsidize them.

  9. No crowds larger than 250 allowed? No problem, it’s the Civic Center. They haven’t had a crowd that size in years!

  10. The date on that release statement was before Governor Hogan’s announcement. In fact, they cancelled the second showing of the circus last night to be in accordance with the state. Community Yard Sale this weekend has been canceled along with the Suitcase Party.


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