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Thursday, March 12, 2020

'Take dramatic action': AOC calls for universal basic income as response to coronavirus

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for new economic responses to the spread of the coronavirus in the United States, including universal basic income.

"This is not the time for half measures. We need to take dramatic action now to stave off the worst public health & economic affects," the New York Democrat tweeted on Thursday morning. "That includes making moves on paid leave, debt relief, waiving work req’s, guaranteeing healthcare, UBI, detention relief (pretrial, elderly, imm)."

The freshman congresswoman's message was a follow-up to a proposal she made on Wednesday night, which included "no-strings UBI programs" and universal healthcare.



  1. I agree!
    I need $10,000 per month to start.

  2. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
    She is a tool of the elites who engineered this virus.

  3. It might be necessary. Rent/mortgage is due regardless and unless you want society to breakdown into chaos if stores and such are closed it may be a necessity.

    1. Why isn't it YOUR responsibility?

  4. Now I do believe in aliens. No one on earth can be this stupid! Right? Someone help this poor woman!!

  5. AOC has got to go. She is a communist.

  6. 2:17 - This is just want the big government idiots want. Look at the history. Once we start these programs they never stop. If we start here then the slack a$$es that have not been paying rent all along get it also - because, well, you know.... it wouldn't be fair.

    Don't forget the democrat mantra - never let a good crisis go to waste!!

    Stay alert people - I know this is an issue and we need to do what we can, but no new social programs.

    1. Who is “WE”?

      Do you mean You and Me?

      Or do you mean to write the US Government?

  7. This is really not a bad idea if you can get rid of all of the other bureaucratic entitlements and have just one.

    Listen folks listen. 80% of problem solving is listening ( not to yourself)

  8. She doesn't have a basic brain cell!

    1. Couldn't agree more. She needs to GO!!!!

  9. Next, everybody that doesn't have a paid federal holiday gets $200 from the government for each one.

  10. No 707. If jobs cease to be and the bills do not then yes we have new social programs. If they can dole out trillions to wall street and the banks then you dole out UBI to families to pay the bills until the jobs come back.


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