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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Trump Enlists Help of American Companies to Stop Coronavirus Spread: ‘All of America’ Approach

President Trump announced Friday that he has enlisted the help of some of America’s biggest companies to contain the spread of coronavirus in the United States, in an “all-of-America” approach.

The corporations include Walmart, Walgreens, Target, CVS, and other major companies.

Trump introduced and thanked the companies’ leaders individually during a press conference in the White House Rose Garden.

“They are simply celebrities in their own right. They’re the biggest business people, the greatest retailers anywhere in the world,” he said.

Doug McMillon from Walmart said the White House has asked them to make portions of their parking lots available in select locations so that people can do drive-through testing for coronavirus.



  1. The Corona virus is mainly spread by TDS...

  2. What a 'strange' concept, businesses and citizens working together to fix a problem.( Instead of gov. creating more problems!)

    "Government that governs best, governs least."

  3. Remember Trump 2020.

  4. Touching dead skin does not give one corona
    Unless the skin had corona
    But then only morticians would get it
    Unless there is some other way to get it

  5. Trump is a great leader.


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