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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Illinois mayor signs executive order granting power to ban sale of guns and alcohol while addressing coronavirus

The mayor of Champaign, Illinois, gave herself the power to ban the sale of guns and alcohol after declaring a citywide emergency to address the coronavirus.

Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen signed the executive order on Thursday declaring a state of emergency for the city. That executive order, which is in line with municipal code, comes with extraordinary powers for the mayor to enact over a short period of time as the city combats the spread of the coronavirus.

Among the powers Feinen gained after signing the executive order was the power to ban the sale of guns, ammunition, alcohol, and gasoline. Feinen could also cut off access to individuals' gas, water, or electricity. The city also has the ability to "take possession of private property" or order the temporary closing of all bars or liquor stores.



  1. Has she lost her fking mind?!

  2. Socialist dream. Bastards.

  3. Another female without a clue , female leader failure again. Me Too

  4. So what does one thing in the declaration have to do with COVID-19? I especially like the party about taking personal property, AKA, guns.

  5. Taking possession of private property? How would that help? Sneaky democrats...

  6. Kool Aid virus will be next.

  7. A democrat no doubt.

  8. my bet is,She's a Democrat

  9. A totally unconstitutional move on her part. If I lived there I would be filling a lawsuit to stop her, that is definitely an infringement upon my right to bear arms! And what does that do to stop the spread of a virus in the first place?

  10. Al Capone is coming back from the dead to restart his bootleg enterprise and he’s going to be getting some GATS.

    WOW as the libs always say: never let a good disaster go buy without sneaking in some big liberal changes.

  11. Don't think this is legal. Must be tested by the Patriots and do it all at once to overwhelm the system. Nothing they can do about it then...

  12. Waiting for a constitutional challenge to this.

  13. Her doing this she signed her own death warrant. You never screw with a man's guns!


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