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Thursday, March 05, 2020

Trump calls for 'serious action' after Schumer says Supreme Court justices will 'pay the price' for abortion vote

President Trump suggested that Sen. Chuck Schumer should be arrested or removed from office after the Senate minority leader threatened two Supreme Court justices.

Schumer, a Democrat from New York, said on Wednesday that Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh would "pay the price" if they choose to uphold a Louisiana law that mandates abortion doctors be preapproved to check their patients into a nearby hospital. Both justices are Trump appointees.

"This is a direct & dangerous threat to the U.S. Supreme Court by Schumer. If a Republican did this, he or she would be arrested, or impeached. Serious action MUST be taken NOW!" Trump tweeted on Wednesday evening.



  1. Nothing will happen, hasn't yet and never will

    1. Agree. Bill Barr is giving a speech about corruption is bad to few great minds of do nothings. New Director has his head in the sand until next January

  2. Blah, blah, blah, Chuck!

  3. I agree , however Mr. Trump has some apologies in order himself

  4. Poor Chuck hasn't been in the news lately and he had to do/say something to bring attention to himself again.

  5. I think he should be jailed for the Waco coverup.

    Lest we forget.

  6. Schumer is in the news because he is running for his seat. Heard AOC is running against him and a Republican. Schumer must go.

  7. Should be expelled from Congress ASAP with no compensation from tax dollars, such as retirement, health benefits etc.

  8. LOCK-UP Scheemer !!!!

  9. Democrats used to Threaten the POTUS , NOW it is the
    Judicial Branch they think they can intimidate & control !!!

    Where the hell are the Federal Judges on this one ???
    They should be Locking Up Schumer's ass for Threats !!!!

    There are 3 Branches of Fed Govt > But Democrats in
    Congress think they are ABOVE the other two Branches !!!!
    & the Law as well !!!!

  10. Voters will be WATCHING 2020 !!! Get-er-Done !!!

  11. At least he is man enough to admit he was wrong

  12. And now it's Schummer that is paying the price. He never knew what hit him. Hilarious how the Democrats can make complete fools of themselves. And this is their Senate leader!


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