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Thursday, March 05, 2020

Elementary school clinic aide is jailed for five years for stealing students' Adderall pills and replacing them with other drugs including Benadryl

A Virginia elementary school clinic aide convicted of stealing students' ADHD prescription medications and replacing them with other drugs was sentenced on Monday to five years in prison.

Caitlin Poytress, 39, was working for Clover Hill Elementary School in Chesterfield in May 2019 when the school's registered nurse began to suspect she was tampering with student medications, according to a summary of evidence by a Chesterfield Assistant Commonwealth´s Attorney.

The nurse noticed pill bottles were out when they shouldn't have been, medications were missing from their normal locations and pill count logs showed unexplained changes and revisions, prosecutors alleged.



  1. So why isn't Jakes wife in jail for 5 years?

  2. 7:34 her case has not come up yet. Maybe you would prefer to try her in the court of public opinion, but last I heard she is entitled to a fair trial.

  3. So is Liz Day and Jake Day getting 5 years for their Adderal crimes? Let's not forget about the BJ's to little boys for Adderal!

  4. Anonymous said...
    7:34 her case has not come up yet. Maybe you would prefer to try her in the court of public opinion, but last I heard she is entitled to a fair trial.

    March 5, 2020 at 8:38 AM

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Only a weirdo child abuser would defend Liz and Jake Day like you do. Sign your name if you are that sincere about it.

  5. Wow, so they hired this lady to work in a school and DID NOT CHECK her history?????
    I'm pretty sure they are supposed to check references. I'm not sure how much a former employer can share, but there has to be some question when someone has their license revoked.

    if anyone knows a reason why the school couldn't find this out, please comment. I would love to know

  6. So when is Jake Day’s DUI trial scheduled?

  7. Did Lizzie move to VA?


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