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Wednesday, March 25, 2020



  1. One of the biggest myths is that businesses and corporations have stacks of cash just lying around in a back room somewhere.

    1. Corporations have liquid cash, shareholders, experienced bankruptcy lawyers, and tax accountants. The only bailout they need is to get American consumers spending again. And if they fall, some other corporation is there in a heartbeat to fill in the gap. This is what the GOP fails to understand.

    2. 8:44 If the corporations don't have stacks of cash laying around in a back room somewhere, I have a good idea where it is. Let some of the over paid multi-millionaire ceo's donate some back to their broke ass companies, don't expect the people working pay check to pay check come to the rescue and bail their asses out. Decision makers of billion dollar corporations want their cake and it it too.

    3. They understand.
      They are Facists

      The Dems are Communists

      Yes, we are screwed

  2. Well, big corporations are now learning how to live day to day, and they are seeing how easy it isn't. Glad they are having to come out of their ivory towers to see how low man on the totem pole has to live every day. But, soon as this is over, I'm sure their heads will swell once again, and they'll be better than everyone else, in their simple minds.

  3. A business can survive with reduced profits but cannot without revenue. They still need to pay the bills including employee pay.

  4. Just admit that you guys are for socialism, when it benefits corporations

  5. Perfect 9:23 Not to mention the insane amount of city, county state and federal taxes plus hidden cost such as unemployment and workers comp taxes.

  6. Businesses don't have stacks of cash lying around because parked cash is not earning money.

  7. Well, that right there didn't come from the twitter account of anyone with a business degree, rather it comes from someone that doesn't know a damn thing about running or managing a business, large or small. Easy to criticize when you're ignorant.

  8. 10:43 I agree us small businesses are using our savings to keep things going

  9. No need for us to think because it's out of our hands.

  10. Apple has over $78 Billion in cash reserves. At least that was the amount reported in Oct. 2019. Held overseas, of course.

  11. Give the money to the people. The corporations will get all of it by weeks end.

  12. Fact too that WE workers (middle class - Poor ) Never get SHHHT

    But just like in the Obama Era The Big boys > Banks / Cpompanys etc
    get all the Bailouts No matter the cost in the Billions /Trillions !!

    This time may be mostly the same too , time will tell !!!

  13. They are already making shure we Workers don't get too much !!!

    They don't care how much Big Business gets !!!

  14. Corporations like to use Bankruptcy to Not pay their Taxes & use it
    to their Advantage !!! They are Never punished , but praised for it !!!

    Regular folks (individuals) are shamed & Ruined when they have to file it &
    are Threatened to loose everything !! Treated much differently

  15. Trump even said that Bankruptcy (for business) was just SMART BUSINESS @ the 2016 race for POTUS on TV !!!

    Not that way for the Poor folks !!!!

  16. Double Standard on how Govt treats us in America !!!

  17. MANY corporations have BILLIONS of dollars in cash reserves.

    Make them spend it.


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