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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Coronavirus Post On Facebook & My Reply

The survival rate for Coronavirus is 98.2%.
But this positive information doesn't make headline news!!!

I replied:

Even if I believed your numbers, you have 10 M&M's on a bowl. ONE of them is poisonous yet you can't see any difference, Do you eat any of them? Weeks later 2 or 3 of them are now poisonous, do you eat ANY of them? Stop going by bogus numbers coming out this early. One last thing, do you offer ANY of those M&M's to your Parents or Grandparents?


  1. People are being so heartless during this time Joe. It's really disturbing to see people willing to let others die because it is not them or their loved one. On one hand they preach about how we have lost our unity as a nation and on the other they say things like "we have to make sacrifices in the name of the economy"

    1. Spot on! Love your neighbor, put political views aside. Show compassion, it is the easiest thing to do.

  2. The infection rate is accelerating. It comes down to who you want to believe: Infectious disease experts and world health doctors or a President who has personal and political interests in a well performing economy?

    1. Infection increasing as testing is being done, showing how many are infected...hard to see if infection increasing, or just those infected being identified... time will tell

  3. So, again, don't eat it if you don't want to. YOU stay home, not me. I'll eat a handful especially because the poisonous M&M doesn't do anything to harm me.

  4. As compared to the survival rate of every things eles its pretty good. Yet it has more to do with the lack of common sense and i want what i want now with the throw away society we live it. No moral compass no values or respect for anything but what i want. Look at where it started and with whom now let's correct it, that will not happen until it's the only choice left.

  5. The economy is important!
    If the economy crashes, people will be killed, people will commit suicide, many many people will starve, and many more people will get SICK and dye.
    The temporary shutdown was necessary, but it is just a necessary to get back to work in order to keep the economy going.

    1. It truly is a double edged sword. The value of life far outweighs currency, but currency (in whatever form) is what keeps society thriving. This answer is the unknown.

  6. The survival rate is relatively good for the Whu Flu but is is extremely contagious which makes it very dangerous.

  7. Joe,
    Just wanna drop in and say I love your thoughts and response to this crisis. I'll be honest, typically I do not agree with much you say, frequently arguing with you on this site, but I am in 100 % agreement with you on this. People are under reacting, making this so much worse. Personally I feel the entire country needs to shut down for two to three weeks, as painful as it may be, as hard as the economy may be affected... It's the only thing that is inevitably going to stop the spread of this

  8. Darwin has been in hibernation for far too long, its time to reap those that arent smart enough to take precaution. For those who think they're the ony smart ones and everyone else that cant shelter in place are guilty...you might feel different when the mail dosent bring your check, the bank isnt open to cash it, the grocery stores close because or rioting, martial law is invoked to stop those who want what you have. your blinded by your temporary security and arent at all thinking of anyone else.

  9. 10:36
    Many of us simply understand how thoroughly corrupt and evil is the Deep State. We don’t believe the hype. We know the US Government lies to us.

    The virus is a bioweapon and the economic shutdown is the agenda.

    Educate yourself and stop believing anything the government and media tell you - advice

  10. At 328 million people in the US, and there are idiots out there that use this to justify their stance we should do nothing (100% infection rate), it would result in the deaths of 6 million Americans, based on the statistics that are now known. Pretty callous, for any one who thinks that. Only the most selfish and dangerous people would think that 1.8% of the population dying would be the right outcome for the virus.

  11. or a President who has personal and political interests in a well performing economy?

    March 25, 2020 at 9:00 AM:

    We ALL have personal interests in a well performing economy. Trumps speaks to us. Like you don't have an interest in a well performing economy? You must not live in this country, or you just hate everything Trump does for America.

  12. Some liberal rounding used to prove the point here.

  13. It will never go away unless: KEEP IN STATE TO STATE TRUCKING . PERIOD ..think about that ...

  14. Reply makes no sense. You take one m&m out of 10, that's 10%. It should be more like 100 m&Ms, and two are poisonous. I would take a few m&Ms.

  15. Have you ever heard someone say the cure is worse than the diease. Well if America's economy does not pick up soon we will be able to relate to our Grandparents stories of the great depression. Standing in line for food rations, rations for gasoline (paper coupons) limited to purchase supplies. Suicides. It's coming if we don't act now. Just common sense.


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