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Thursday, March 05, 2020

Several gun bills up for consideration in Annapolis

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —Gun legislation took center stage in Annapolis on Wednesday as a House committee heard several bills ranging from making theft of a handgun a felony to allowing nurses and firefighters to carry concealed weapons.

Unlike previous years, the gun legislation being heard does not restrict or do away with certain types of firearms.

"Baltimore firefighter met with gunshots helping someone in a car crash. Maryland firefighter shot by man who thought he was stopping a break-in," said firefighter John Merson.

Merson read news headlines to make his point that his job is dangerous, especially when off duty.



  1. We will not comply ! Sometimes there are things worth dying for

  2. Joe Biden said Beto is going to be in charge of the gun task force. Guns will no longer be an issue this time next folks. Give your weapons a big kiss good bye. Lol.

    1. Dream on 12:16...WITH the dems attitude on guns they can kiss the black vote goodbye too

    2. Well it's a good thing that Biden nor Beto will be in charge of anything.

  3. Civil war coming to Dems soooooon.

  4. 🖕 Dems 🖕

  5. The government must disarm the population prior to the US Dollar collapse. The Fed has destroyed the Dollar and the military can’t kill everyone in the world trying to support the Dollar. Nobody wants it in exchange for natural resources.

    The US is toast and the Fed is going to try to blame it on Trump

    It is not Trumps fault they counterfeited the US Dollar but they will blame him for its demise.

  6. Yeah, yeah, I read several days ago from a very unreliable source that the feds print $200 million every night. Dig your money up and use it before it rots away 4:09

  7. Very interesting angle.
    Mr Trump will see that coming from a mile away.

    But don’t forget what happened when JFK took on the Fed and printed debt-free money.

  8. These knuckleheads are gonna keep poking the bear until they get ripped apart.

  9. I have over a dozen legally obtained guns that have never been registered. The government can't come for them, if they don't know they exist. And I plan to keep it that way when they get passed on to my children.


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