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Thursday, March 05, 2020

Gender-neutral bathroom closed after high school student arrested for sexual assault

A high school in Wisconsin shuttered its inclusive gender-neutral bathroom after an 18-year-old student was arrested for alleged sexual assault of a minor in the space.

The Oneida County Sheriff’s Office said they arrested 18-year-old Austin Sauer for fourth-degree sexual assault, exposing his genitals, and child enticement at Rhinelander High School last week.

"This was not a random incident, as both students went into the bathroom voluntarily. The male student will no longer be able to be on school grounds, and the gender neutral bathroom is no longer available to students," superintendent Kelli Jacobi said.



  1. So it’s the males fault? Of course it is right?

  2. That’s not right, closing the gender confused bathroom just because a teenage boy liked a girl.

  3. Another dum dum hit job story that many of you dim witted loons will use to try to prove a point. Most gender-neutral bathrooms are simply 1-seater toilets (and often time an additional urinal) for single use. These schools are often times simply converting over the single use bathroom that was previously reserved for teachers only. This is simply a case of teens being teens, with the only part dealing with gender neutral being that the teens had a bathroom to sneak off where presumably the other kids wouldn't see them.

  4. March 5, 2020 at 12:46 PM:

    Before "gender neutral" bathrooms were in schools, one or the other of those students would have been in the "wrong" bathroom, and it would have been obvious to everyone in the hallway when they entered the bathroom. You seem to be the dim-witted one. Male and female students using the same bathroom at the same time is more than just teens being teens. That kind of teenage behavior has no place in the schools, and shouldn't be legitimized by liberal PC policies (gender neutral bathrooms). A school is not the place for them. It was the administrators mistake for not seeing the abuse that would result. And they think their overpaid positions make them smarter than everyone else.

  5. Whoa! Nobody saw that coming! 😏

  6. March 5, 2020 at 2:07 PM:

    LOL Good one!

  7. If I was the dad of this girl assaulted
    the law suits would never stop

    and if the 18 yr old parents needed an ass WHIPPING....

    ITS ON

    1. Hey 3:52 - Do you have registered hand too

  8. 112 I always love how folks will take a comment, create their own strawman, then act as if they won a debate. I never said a thing to condone their behavior; simply a clear acknowledgement that it definetly happens. If you think it doesn't, or that teens just started doing this (and getting away with it, no matter the type of bathroom), you really are a dim wit. I'm a long way off from being a teen, yet as a former athlete I can remember several of your daughters trying to pull me in!

  9. Hahahahahahahahahaha man if only someone could have predicted this sh!t. Oh wait everyone that has common sense did. You reap what you sow

  10. 506 if you cant comprehend the point of the earlier post, then you don't even know what a straw man is. You're the dum dum you accuse others of being.

  11. March 5, 2020 at 5:06 PM:

    Now we know. Cheap shots are all you are good for. Your mother was the one that came after me...son.

  12. March 5, 2020 at 5:06 PM:

    Did somebody mention that it doesn't happen, or are you just off your meds and can't see or comprehend clearly? Just like your delusions of being an athlete that had girls clamoring for you. Age has a way of embellishing your youth. Pathetic.


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