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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Mayor Day’s daily briefing


  1. Let's get this straight. In 1968 (Riots, civil unrest), I was activated by POTUS. Recently, I learned that some warehouse burned down containing my records and there is no longer a record of my service time. I requested help, responded, and was told I used the "wrong form". I NO LONGER AM ENTITLED TO ANY BENEFITS. WRONG FORM!!!!!!!

    There are far too many assholes in Washington to serve out citizens. Get Rid of as many as you can before you end up like me (a VET). Yes, I'm pissed but little for me to do.

    Let this sink in.....

  2. She looks like a D with ears !!!

  3. Anyone else notice that all of a sudden , neither him, PRMC, or any government is giving our county an accurate count?

    PRMC keeps touting transparency.
    Each day whether or not the count has changed it should be announced.

    It sincerely looks like PRMC is making a huge effort to treat the community but I find information lacking.

  4. Isn’t Jake and the SU perpetrator “Kirkland Hall “on the lynching committee together?

  5. Daily? Really? Jake you are not that important . You have a bunch of sycophants around you and I'm guessing you wish you had a bigger " truck" . I am soooooooooooo sick of your face and your mouth. Really you are just regurgitating what you get from Pete and Len to look important, You sir are an arse.

  6. He knows salisbury is circling the toilet bowl right now and about to head to the septic tank. He had a good idea but his blatant prejudice and discrimination towards middle aged whites and directing all his attention to Kirkland Hall's indoctrination was a bad play. Jake never even considered that something like this virus was possible and clearly buried salisbury in unnecessary debt that it probably will not be able to pay. I sincerely feel bad for the new small businesses that bought into Jake's fantasy. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it didn't fall, for it was founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of mine, and doesn't do them will be like a foolish man, who built his house on the sand

  7. 6:44 PM lol arse. I love that word

  8. Look at me as I hold up 3 fingers!!!!

  9. Again false information. Powers of attorney do not need to be recorded unless it pertains to the sale or encumbering of real estate.

  10. Embarrassing Delmarva daily.

  11. Jake Day abuses his wife and little girls. Don’t let this man fool you. Street angel and a house devil. He is demeaning to woman. Likes to talk down to them. Men that do this have really never been successful in life. Never really made it as an architect, fired from Salisbury State and playing mayor to a backwards town on the shore. Oh let’s not forget....We play army to better our career. Shaking my head in disgust.


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