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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Greta Thunberg says she may have coronavirus and is isolating with her father after displaying symptoms

Greta Thunberg says she may have contracted coronavirus and has self-isolated at home with her father.

The teenage climate activist said she appeared to have been infected along with her dad, actor Svante Thunberg.

Both began having symptoms after a recent train tour of Europe together and so have been in isolation for the last weeks, she said.

They were travelling in Europe before lockdowns were imposed by many governments across the continent in a bid to halt the spread of the virus.



  1. She really needs psychiatric help. Same her family doesn't intercede.

  2. I have never heard of this person 🤷‍♀️

  3. Why am I’m not surprised.

  4. How dare you.! If the weather was warmer we would have windows open in our houses ventilating out bacteria and virus concentrations reducing the chances of infection. So it is colder now. How dare you!

  5. She should not have been travelling around the country during this time so she deserves it-----

    1. Even though I do not agree with her position, I do not grieve that she deserves it.

  6. She said it she caught the virus due to global warming.... if the air was cleaner the virus could fly away and not hang low near her green new deal nasal cavity.

  7. And WHY is this child still in the news?? She is not newsworthy.

    1. At 8:13 p.m.
      She is newsworthy only because of her mental deviancy, and how she can help the news media pump this propaganda up

    2. She works for intelligence.
      That’s why

    3. She sure isn’t working *with* intelligence.

    4. She always looks so cofused

  8. She needs to keep her a$$ home with her gold digging parents and stop spreading her germs and vile propaganda . No one is interested.

  9. 15 seconds are long over. Keep the trash in the trash can!

  10. Imagine becoming world famous by scary people about a crisis coming any day in the form of fire, snow and flooding. Then a epidemic virus hits the world instead. Suddenly Her world stage is reduced to fake friends on social media from a one stop light town in Freaking Sweden. Probably not good for a person obsessed with being famous

    1. She is intelligence.
      Which also means her father is a Freemason

      Wake up and learn how the mind control works. You will be amazed.

    2. 5:43 Close your blinds and get back in the closet. The crack popo is watching you.

  11. No body to blame but her parents....letting a little twit go to other countries and other cities....should have been home cleaning her room and working around the house!! Idiots......

  12. Why do we even address this issue. Who cares. I don't care if a movie star tested positive. What egos to think the world cares. Don't feed their egos.

  13. The poor thing craves attention so badly that now she claims to have the coronavirus virus. Don't worry honey we're still hanging on your every word.

  14. Like anyone even remotely cares.


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