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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Maryland General Assembly Goes Nuts

Looks like the Democrats of the Maryland General Assembly just passed Kirwan while the state is under a Declaration of Emergency and with no public input! These Democrats should have passed the budget and reconvened next year.


  1. Is this for real

  2. Never let a good crisis go to waste!

  3. last straw. when this bs is over, leaving.

  4. If the MDGA feels so strongly about it maybe they can pay for the increases in taxes out of their taxes exclusively. What a lame duck move.

  5. Looting the population is what governments do - and blaming it on the children holds most adults in suspension. They don’t know whether it is OK to complain about the looting (taxation).

    It is a brilliant move on the part of Government

    1. So that's what you call theft and extortion when it's government that does it BRILLIANT?? Professional thieves

  6. By holding these hearings after ordering no public testimonies, they have purposely violated the Md state constitution, the open meetings laws and of course refusing to represent their constituents. Why would they be so willing to violate/break so many laws openly? Because just like many times before they will launder these millions, so it will come back to them, their campaigns, their friends and accomplishes.
    Its NEVER been about the kids, its about theft and power and it extends deep into the entire education system.

    1. If the public was prohibited from attending the meeting, the meeting should have been cancelled

  7. No attitude there.

  8. Get ready for a 51% increase in the sales tax, and more fees and taxes to raise to fund this 2.5 billion dollar crap, which won't make any kids smarter!!!!

    Yeah lets build a new school becasue old schools are the reason why kids are stupid, and remain stupid, BASED ON STANDARDIZED TEST!!!! But yes lets throw more money at these TIDE POD EATING KIDS!!!!

    When will you fucking slaves wake the hell up, this is to take more of your money and make you go deeper into slavery....

    But don't worry martial law is coming soon, so there is that!!! IT is already in New York and in some state where cops are forcing people off the streets and lock you up... Then you have PA saying they won't lock any one up for rap, theft, prostitution, or burglary...

    1. 8:53 you are absolutely doing nothing more than anyone else as a citizen of this state. You're trolling does not count!

    2. You're in the same boat Girdletree

    3. 2:24 You know nothing about me, nor do I pretend to be any better anyone else. I can read a blog like everyone else. Degrading the entire blogs audience by acting somehow superior only shows ignorance. Do you even know what you are talking about at this point?

  9. Hogan will likely veto, he is outspokenly opposed to tax hikes.

    1. and they will over ride his veto

  10. Never ceases to amaze me just how stupid, stupid, STUPID, Marylanders are. Get ready Wicomico County because the former Great State of Maryland does not have the resources to pay this and will simply dump the cost onto the local County government. Wicomico County is in a POOP load of trouble.

  11. She looks like Maxine Waters' sister...Nasty scowl on her face... "I always gets what I wants!"

  12. I want to tell you just how bad it is @10:39!! My father is 82 years old and he's stopped dumping money into his property in wicomico county and just letting it go so when he eventually passes the f'ing communist progressive left that has ruined the state can have the POS when he's gone and I can FINALLY call Florida my permanent residence. The House won't be worth what it will take to renovate and I won't continue to support such obvious extortion of taxpayers money and this insanity that Jake Day has created in SALISBURY/wicomico county

  13. Anonymous said...
    Is this for real

    March 18, 2020 at 7:32 AM

    Yes, this is for real!

  14. Anonymous said...
    If the MDGA feels so strongly about it maybe they can pay for the increases in taxes out of their taxes exclusively. What a lame duck move.

    March 18, 2020 at 7:50 AM

    In the real world it may be a lame duck move but you have to understand that Dumba$$ Democrats will continue to vote for Dumba$$ Democrats. There is nothing left to this state so it is best that you move out if you don't like living under a Democrats iron fist. Look at what RINO Larry is doing to the state now.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Looting the population is what governments do - and blaming it on the children holds most adults in suspension. They don’t know whether it is OK to complain about the looting (taxation).

    It is a brilliant move on the part of Government

    March 18, 2020 at 7:55 AM

    There are many of us who are on a limited income now and we can't pay the taxes we are currently forced to pay. These low income thieves don't give a rats a$$ about us whiteys! They came from nothing and go elected to get rich. They all are thieves and need to go to jail like Sheila Dixon and Mayor Pugh.

  16. Anonymous said...
    By holding these hearings after ordering no public testimonies, they have purposely violated the Md state constitution, the open meetings laws and of course refusing to represent their constituents. Why would they be so willing to violate/break so many laws openly? Because just like many times before they will launder these millions, so it will come back to them, their campaigns, their friends and accomplishes.
    Its NEVER been about the kids, its about theft and power and it extends deep into the entire education system.

    March 18, 2020 at 8:23 AM

    Did you notice that RINO Hogan is playing along with them and he has made himself the most powerful man in Maryland? He is also flaunting his national power as the chair of the National Governor's Association.

  17. Thank you for posting this, Joe. I don't think many Marylanders know what is happening in Annapolis right now, especially those of us on the Eastern Shore.

  18. They already ARE a bunch of NUTs !!!


    That's a figure that Maryland tax payers cannot afford.

    We are already being gouged....robbed.....extorted.

    We must start the hanging....it may be too late already.

  20. Anonymous said...
    I want to tell you just how bad it is @10:39!! My father is 82 years old and he's stopped dumping money into his property in wicomico county and just letting it go so when he eventually passes the f'ing communist progressive left that has ruined the state can have the POS when he's gone and I can FINALLY call Florida my permanent residence. The House won't be worth what it will take to renovate and I won't continue to support such obvious extortion of taxpayers money and this insanity that Jake Day has created in SALISBURY/wicomico county

    March 18, 2020 at 11:07 AM

    Butt, Butt, Butt...Jake Day is doing great things for Salisbury.

    1. Jake Day has nothing to do with the Wicomico County budget and School Board. In fact, Jake Day has little influence on much of anything being the sole responsibility of Wicomico County. I suppose you are unaware that Bob Culver has now lost Weston Young alone with Wayne Strausburg. Bob is like a lost child wondering the forest without those two. Wicomico County now has no Direct of Administration, no Deputy Director of Administration, no “legal” Director of Finance, no Deputy Director of Finance and no “legal” County Attorney. The WCBOE just voted in their most expensive operating budget in history, the Civic Center and Airport are money losing holes that require enormous subsidies from the General Fund. A new Landfill will be needed with 15 years, the $15 minimum wage is on the horizon and the Revenue Cap (thank you John Palmer WCBOE representative) is strangling the County. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that all teachers are also going to benefit with a huge pay raise thanks to Kirwan. It’s time for the Wicomico County Council and the County Executive to begin that task of choosing what “Quality of Life” services they are going to eliminate. Recreational, senior, and nonessential services are on the chopping block never to return. Like I said, Wicomico County is in a POOP load of trouble.

  21. Six Republican Senators Sell Out on Kirwan

    There are 15 Republican State Senators. Six State Senators, nearly half the Senate Republican Caucus, voted for the Kirwan Commission. And Addy Eckhardt, our own local Republican Senator, screwed over her supporters who voted for her! All of the local Republican Central Committees who previously supported her need to start looking for someone to replace her. If you remember correctly Addy Eckardt is the same Delegate who screwed over Senator Rich Colburn when he was down. I can assure you that Rich Colburn wouldn't have sold us out if he was still our State Senator.

    Those Republican Senators are:

    Senate Minority Leader J.B. Jennings (District 8)
    Senator Addy Eckardt (District 37)
    Senator George Edwards (District 1)
    Senator Andrew Serafini (District 2)
    Senator Michael Hough (District 4)
    Senator Johnny Ray Salling (District 6)

    Four of those Senators (Eckardt, Edwards, Salling, Serafini) are the four Republicans who sit on the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee.

    I hope this is the nail in Addy's coffin!!

  22. Anonymous said...
    Hogan will likely veto, he is outspokenly opposed to tax hikes.

    March 18, 2020 at 9:13 AM

    Sure he will veto this bill but his veto will be overridden by the Tax and Spend Democrats.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Get ready for a 51% increase in the sales tax, and more fees and taxes to raise to fund this 2.5 billion dollar crap, which won't make any kids smarter!!!!

    Yeah lets build a new school becasue old schools are the reason why kids are stupid, and remain stupid, BASED ON STANDARDIZED TEST!!!! But yes lets throw more money at these TIDE POD EATING KIDS!!!!

    When will you fucking slaves wake the hell up, this is to take more of your money and make you go deeper into slavery....

    But don't worry martial law is coming soon, so there is that!!! IT is already in New York and in some state where cops are forcing people off the streets and lock you up... Then you have PA saying they won't lock any one up for rap, theft, prostitution, or burglary...

    March 18, 2020 at 8:53 AM

    I have to agree with this anonymous clown!

  24. All the kids in Baltimore were left behind years ago. To keep throwing money at the situation is a waste of time and effort.

  25. How could this be when the majority of citizens don't want it and can't afford it. This is robbery.

  26. If they are in office when you vote.......vote against them, even if you don't know who you're voting for as long as you're voting against the incumnent . The only way to get change and send a message.

  27. 1.34 is soooooooooo correct. Today the across the pond democrats changed Wicomico County forever.Nothing Bob or anyone else can do about it.Wayne and Weston done the best thing and exited.Say a pray for Wicomico County and the world.

  28. OMG I can't believe it. Nancy Pelosi tried to attach funds for abortion to the Coronvirous bill. Democrats are sick.

  29. 7 miles to Delmar, kiss my ass.

  30. Anonymous said...
    She looks like Maxine Waters' sister...Nasty scowl on her face... "I always gets what I wants!"

    March 18, 2020 at 11:01 AM


  31. Anonymous said...
    If the public was prohibited from attending the meeting, the meeting should have been cancelled

    March 18, 2020 at 2:21 PM

    What meeting were people prohibited from attending?

  32. Excuse me 2:21, "Hearing" is the proper word I should have used, read the March 18 2020 at 8:23 am post. Maybe you will understand then.

  33. Eckhardt got my vote last election. She won't fool me a second time.

  34. What an ugly smug mug!

  35. Speaker A. Jones is 100% GHETTO! My 8y/o autistic son can grasp the English language better than she can.


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