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Sunday, March 22, 2020

I Love It When A Plan Comes Together

In an effort to keep our community safe, our stores have reserved 7 AM - 9 AM, Monday - Friday as a time that our community's senior citizens and other at-risk populations, such as pregnant women or those with compromised immune systems, can shop with us. We appreciate your patience and support as we help our neighbors ensure their needs are met. Please visit http://bit.ly/2RHAxMi to find your store's current hours of operation.


  1. They just opened the door to anyone who wants to shop at that time! it is against the law to ask someone for proof they are disabled,(COMPROMISED IMMUNE SYSTEM ARE INVISIBLE) so technically anyone can now shop at those times!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you for posting this!

  3. Please - 60 or older. 60 - are you kidding - that is young. Most States state 70 - or older. Even then it is stretching it. What did Mayor Day come up with that criteria 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Not good, pregnant women will drag along there 6 snotty nosed kids touching everything and spreading germs so old folks will get sick. Time should be for just us old people.
    Next two hours for pregnant women and sick kids, then the afternoon for everyone else.

  5. Keep the good looking Females coming though !!!!

  6. 60 and older is the age of most coronavirus patients who get the most complications. Read the news!

    1. That is the whole idea doofus. 60 and older going earlier with reduce chances of catching this stuff. You need to do some reading and maybe take testing on comprehension :-)

  7. 3:14 and 3:28, could you be any more non caring for the people this policy is trying to help?? How about thinking for people other than your selfish and arrogant selves! It is sad that it will probably take law enforcement to be there eventually if it gets really critical for the older people to shop. My god society is so messed up!

  8. Then why do you have a grouchy lady harassing those of us that are in the 60 yr old range?

    A little cya from the earlier post of her bad behavior.

  9. The EBT mongers have cleaned ACME dry.Fighting in the checkout lines also.I wish Trump would just have a EBT warehouse where these bums could get there drug taxies to carry dem ans they keeds to da sto.

  10. Lower those Outragious prices !!!! So they afford the food !!!!

  11. LOL this is funny. Better edumcate your employees on what a 60 and older looks like. Seems from an earlier post there are at least two 60 and overs that got berated.

  12. 3:14 yeah, any selfish person who doesn't have a conscience. Probably the same people hoarding TP.

  13. After today I realized something real scary. This country is NOT READY for any long term shutdown or tragedy. Stores with nothing but empty shelfs, not ready for what tomorrows needs are. THIS IS SAD!!!

  14. Thank you Acme. As an asthma sufferer who is over 65, appreciate the consideration. Much better than Target who gives seniors one hour on Wednesdays.

  15. As noble as this seems it is pointless. It lives for days on surfaces.

    Germie people are there all day touching and coughing on stuff and the seniors just touch it all in the AM getting infected. There is no verifiable proof that any of this is works. Someone came up with a stupid idea and the hall monitors on now on patrol.

    I was there in the morning at 7AM and a sby cop was in there talking to 2 employees in the produce section. he walked past me and coughed without covering his mouth. I called him a dumbass to told him to cover his mouth.

    How is that protecting seniors when you have a dumb ass first responded that can't cover their cough.


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