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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Baltimore State’s Attorney Mosby to stop prosecuting drug possession, prostitution, other crimes amid coronavirus

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby ordered her staff Wednesday to drop all pending criminal charges against anyone arrested for drug possession, attempted distribution, prostitution, trespassing, minor traffic offenses, open container, and urinating in public.

Mosby said she is taking the action in an effort to reduce the threat of a coronavirus outbreak behind bars. These crimes pose no risk to public safety and the defendants would be released before trial in normal conditions, she wrote in a memo to prosecutors.

“An outbreak in prison or jails could potentially be catastrophic,” she wrote them. “Now is not the time for a piecemeal approach where we go into court and argue one one by one for the release of at-risk individuals."



  1. So of I knock over the pharmacy is that simple drug possession. What about the metoo movement and sex trafficking. This should be an outrage

  2. Diseases.

    Is that why Baltimore has been so lax in prosecuting criminals- afraid they might get sick?

  3. Oh, so after I spent time in jail for marijuana and had money taken for it it's not a threat to society? Let me tell you, watching society fall apart is ever so satisfying to me. Grasp for that power you once held and watch how your creator takes it from you and shows you who is really in control of this plane we live on.

    1. I don't think the creator is taking anything. This may actually be a learning experience due to our own conscience. The world is so negative on alot of levels right now. It's bound to show itself in some way.

    2. Yea now all the sudden all these BS laws that they have been locking people in cages for just dont seem that important anymore. Cause they were never important. There was never a reason to put people in cages for putting something in their own bodies NEVER.

  4. There is another storm brewing in wicomico, it’s just that no ones wants their name attached to it.

    1. Let it rain !!!

    2. It will rain, stuff like this only stays quiet for so long! It’s big, tell your elected states attorney how you feel about her after it’s known.

  5. My opinion is that in a time of crisis the crimes should come with even harsher penalties. She is inviting the bad guys to commit crimes.

  6. Just think of the time, and money they could save by just legalizing Prostitution. It has been go9ing on since before Jesus and it is between consenting individuals. Leave them alone, you can't legislate morality.

  7. Baltimore will always be a toilet if they keep electing turds.

  8. 7:03 AM - If you rob a pharmacy you'll have committed grand theft. If you use a weapon, add assault, possible kidnapping, theft of controlled substances, possession of controlled substances, use of a deadly weapon during a felony, trespassing with intent and charges specific to the type of weapon used, just for starters.

  9. She is a prime example of the leadership in Baltimore. What more could you possibly expect from the thugs in Baltimore with leaders like her. She has just got to go!!

  10. The sooner the better. She is a major cause of the turmoil in Baltimore. She wants to be buddies with all her homies instead of an athorative figure.

  11. @835 Nothing on this earth happens with out the creators approval. Your life or death, your childs life or death. He is sovereign, none of your governments mean anything to him. I guess well see how it plays out. Though consider objective reality at the moment. One of two possibilities are about to occur. You either quarantine and watch the american economic empire crumble, or you watch legions die from a pandemic. The only hope this country has is the creator. Hell, even the notion a cure is 18 months away is based on the false premise a cure can be found. How long did it take AIDS to be cured?


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