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Friday, March 13, 2020

How canceled events and self-quarantines save lives, in one chart

The main uncertainty in the coronavirus outbreak in the United States now is how big it will get, and how fast. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Nancy Messonnier told reporters on March 9, “many people in the US will at some point, either this year or next, get exposed to this virus.”

According to infectious disease epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch at Harvard, it’s “plausible” that 20 to 60 percent of adults will be infected with Covid-19 disease. So far, 80 percent of cases globally have been mild, but if the case fatality rate is around 1 percent (which several experts say it may be), a scenario is possible of tens or hundreds of thousands of deaths in the US alone.

Yet the speed at which the outbreak plays out matters hugely for its consequences. What epidemiologists fear most is the health care system becoming overwhelmed by a sudden explosion of illness that requires more people to be hospitalized than it can handle. In that scenario, more people will die because there won’t be enough hospital beds or ventilators to keep them alive.



  1. It also provides excellent cover for the financial reset

  2. Thanks for sharing this. This article highlights many of the cause and effect people are missing.

  3. This is all a sham to make our president look bad. I don't believe any of it.

  4. Joe
    Trump live again at 3 pm.

  5. And what do you tell all those people who have lost family members, over 1000 in the past few weeks in Italy, Those in South Korea, and other 100 countries?
    And the so far 41 deaths in this country?
    The president does look bad and he brought it on.. This has been a failure on the administrations watch. So much confusion and disinformation.
    Let the states handle it. Obviously he can not.
    It astounds me that anyone would be so ignorant about this.

    1. 2,899 abortions a day. And that's all on you liberals.

  6. It's a real shame that our President, many of our elected officials, Fox news, and outlets like this one have spent weeks trying to minimize the potential danger of this virus instead of being honest with the American public and taking the steps necessary to get us ahead of this curve. People accuse Democrats of trying to politicize this virus to somehow unseat Trump while it is exactly for political purposes that Trump refused to take this threat seriously and repeatedly misled the American people about its potential severity. Only in the past few days has Trump started to acknowledge what we are facing and had to be dragged there kicking and screaming. If Trump loses in 2020 it sure won't be because Democrats politicized the handling of the virus. it will be because Trump himself put his own political desires above the health, security and safety of the American people.

  7. I am going to self-quarantine on the golf course! It'll be rough but I will get through it!

  8. All bars need to also be closed down this weekend, it is the responsible and right thing to do.

  9. 12:35 I plan on doing the same thing. Seems safe as long as no one else handles your " balls".

  10. 12:03 & 12:29, Mark Twain said " Never argue with a fool,onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." So we'll just keep laughing at you comments and let you continue with your delusions.

  11. 2:36. So true! LOL.


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