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Friday, March 13, 2020

'Close this place down': Top Democratic senator calls for closing Capitol Hill to visitors

A top Democratic senator said Capitol Hill should be closed to visitors because of the coronavirus outbreak.

Dianne Feinstein, the oldest member of the Senate at 86, cited the growing number of cases, breaking with fellow Democrat and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in addressing concerns about the number of constituents from across the country who visit the building daily.

“I’m worried about the fact that we need to close this place down,” Feinstein said. “I really believe that now. Look at us, how close. It’s just an example of what’s happened. The cases have topped 1,000 and here’s where they’re going.”



  1. Corona virus is mainly spread by TDS. So close your trap Dianne...

  2. Sooooo what is your solution .
    Cast blame ?

  3. Oh yeah, that's right, protect the congress first, while they squabble over how to pork up a virus bill for the citizens. Like their healthcare, best in the world, paid for by the taxpayers, while shoving Obama care down America's throat in the middle of the night. Diane needs to retire damn it. At 86, she should not be there. Longevity is what corrupts congress. And the longer they've been there, the more corrupt they are. Term Limits!

  4. They always on Vacation anyway !!!

  5. Whoaa. I say open up all the borders as long as they head toward that old addeled, whatever, for a "Greet N Meet". Let's make the virus work for the people. Time for a cleansing. Please shake hands with ALL of congress. I like starting fresh.


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