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Sunday, March 08, 2020

'How can I return it?': Biden campaign rejects Comey endorsement

Former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign sharply rejected an endorsement from former FBI Director James Comey.

A vocal critic of President Trump, Comey alerted his Twitter followers on Super Tuesday that he voted in his first Democratic primary. "Voted in first Dem primary to support party dedicated to restoring values in WH. I agree with @amyklobuchar: We need candidate who cares about all Americans and will restore decency, dignity to the office. There is a reason Trump fears @joebiden and roots for Bernie. #Biden2020," he wrote.

Voted in first Dem primary to support party dedicated to restoring values in WH. I agree with @amyklobuchar: We need candidate who cares about all Americans and will restore decency, dignity to the office. There is a reason Trump fears @joebiden and roots for Bernie. #Biden2020— James Comey (@Comey) March 3, 2020
A Biden representative later tweeted at Comey to ask how he can "return" the endorsement. "Yes, customer service? I just received a package that I very much did not order. How can I return it, free of charge?" tweeted Biden campaign Rapid Response Director Andrew Bates.



  1. Replies
    1. Smartest thought biden has ever had

  2. The swampiest of swamp creatures endorses the creepiest of creepy creatures!

  3. Trump doesn't fear Biden and will beat him in the election, Biden is a nice guy I believe but his mind is not sharp enough to run a country, he has failed a lot since his time in office. Then too he still with his son might be facing charges that will come back to him. He indulged his son and put him above a position he was not qualified for Hunter is no Beau Biden he is scum. Hunter dumped his wife and family to chase after Beau's wife, and had an illegitimate child with another. It makes me still wonder who the real Joe Biden is, I admired him and was so proud of his role in Delaware and being the Vice President. But since then things have not added up and I feel he either has dementia or Alzheimers not fit for the role of president. I wish his family would consider his time in the public is past a quiet retirement is best.

  4. 1:46 and 1:49- Are you bots or do you both have no self awareness?


  6. 2:02 - have another sip of kool-aid...

    Then tell us how Comey isn't a swamp creature... Everyone saw how he waffled on what Hilliary did...

    Then tell us how Biden isn't creepy... Everyone has seen his videos and pictures...


  7. Trey Gowdy said Mr Comey was not investigating the President and he was a man of impeccable character. Two years later We the people learned that was a total lie

  8. Biden and Obama hand picked him for the job as Director.

  9. Please, tell us all again, which Americans aren't being helped by this administration?

  10. It's Comey's bid for a presidential pardon.

    1. Not gonna work because biden will lose

  11. Biden is a senile old pervert and Comey is a crooked and a dogs hind leg.

  12. He should pick him as his corrupt running mate for V.P !!! LOL

  13. I have been reading and seeing on the TV that many times the FBI has been caught lying or encouraging witnesses to lie. The FBI used to be a great LE group but it is obvious today they are just above pond scum. Leaders, agents and most of the staff are now into it for "anything goes as long as we get convictions".


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