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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Worcester County Schools Considering Changing Over From PC's To Mac

Talk about a complete disaster! 90% of homes have PC's. No Worcester County Departments run on Mac computers. No servers, work stations and or TECHNICIANS and these fools want to not only pay THREE TIMES more money for a Mac system and then force families to spend three times more money for computers at home. 

Now don't get me wrong, I am not knocking Mac computers. I'm simply stating that this is a horrible move on so many levels and it needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. 


  1. Follow the money.. whose 'friend' is cashing in here? Who gets the contract?

  2. I would get rid of PC's too.
    Time to divest this country from microsucks!

  3. The Superintendent and his side- kick Wallace are in way over their heads. Worcester Public schools are NOT what they used to be. It’s a shame because they used to be the best.

    1. BLT is doing a good job. He has his own bobblehead and a stadium named after him.

    2. ������

  4. Are the teachers and County IT staff capable of using a Linux based operating system? If not who's paying to reteach them?

  5. Who's getting the big money to push/enact this scheme?

  6. Waist of money & Not needed !!!! Get Dells alot cheaper !!!

  7. As an IT Security professional (CISA and CISSP) currently contracted to the Federal Government (yup - multiple agencies and sites), the MAC platform is a piece of junk from an IT security standpoint... You can't adequately track who's doing what with the machine and can't tell what happens when the excrement hits the air-pusher!

    Someone is getting big bucks for this decision!

  8. Apples are more of a TOY & way Overpriced !!!

    Stuck ups with $$$$ think they are better because they can
    afford them & poor people cannot !!!

    You can buy 3 or 4 PC's to one of those Yuppy machines !!!

    But, of course Govt Loves to Waist Your $$$$$ !!!!!

  9. And Wicomico reappointed Hanlin as superintendent- which is the bigger disaster?

  10. Then the Worcester County Commissioners need to quit bitching about being the lowest paid school system from the state of Maryland. Bunch of damn cry babies!


  11. Not a defensible decision. For a school district there is a major disparity in current and available software. Taylor is a local and will hear about this pending debacle through the end of his retirement.

  12. Pc's (the majority of what is out there ) the IBM platform

    is the Majority for a reason !!! Apple has fooled American
    Yuppys, who think they are Better, that Apple is better !!!

    Also WINDOWS is Far better than Apple's Operating system

    So Overpriced , the Govt should go after them for GOUGING !!!

  13. APPLE is too proprietary & much more difficult to work on &
    take apart for maintenance !!! Not tech Friendly !!!

    Gov't will Regret going to Apple !!!

  14. With all the problems that are happening in our schools, failing test scores and more than anything the high incidence of crime. Crime has never been this high in the Wicomico County School System until Donna Hanlin was hired as the Superintendent. Now we have an elected school board and the 7 elected miscreant voted unanimously to reappoint her as the Wicomico County BOE Superintendent. Donna Hanlin is the weakest and the worst Superintendent in the history of the Wicomico County Board of Education. The seven BOE members were too lazy and too weak to do a search for a new Superintendent.

    The seven members of Wicomico County’s Board of Education unanimously reappointed Dr. Donna Hanlin today. She will serve another 4-year term as Superintendent.

    In 2022 we have the choice to vote these clowns out of office. These so-called Republicans are a major disappointment to the Party. John Palmer, Ann Suthowski, Gene Malone and Tanya Laird Lewis. Tonya Laird Lewis has to get through the upcoming 2020 race to get re-elected and then run again for re-election in 2022. We are going to work overtime to make sure she doesn't get through the November election. BUH BYE Tonya!!

    1. 9:01 - this is about Worcester, not Wicomico

  15. 9:01, what is your problem with TL? It sounds very personal to be honest. I live on the East side, in her district, and while I do not know her personally, I have only seen and heard positive things. At least she has kids in the public schools and is not retired and completely out of touch like the others on the board. Never met DH, but I do realize she is mandated by a set of rules. She can't just go rogue about things in our schools.
    Who are you? Are you going to run against TL? Please share why you hate her so much.
    What would you do differently?

  16. Weather your a Mac or PC fan you have to understand that to switch over entire platforms is a huge undertaking. Every computer, every server, every device will need to be replaced with a product that cost about 3x as much as a Windows device will cost. All the software will have to be replaced. Licenses that were recently purchased will have to be thrown out for new products.

    The I.T. Staff will need to be either retrained or replaced. This is not some sort of weekend training session. I.T. staff spend years earning certifications in Microsoft Tech and would need to do the same to learn Mac/Linux based Operating systems.

    None of the purchases would come from anywhere on the shore as we do not have Mac stores here and we do not have Mac support on the shore.

    Then you have the fact that the kids will be using Macs which may not fit in what they will be using when they enter the workforce.

    Like Windows or not the large majority of companies use Windows based software. Mac has much more limited software options and as such the programs cost a lot more because they can only sell their Mac only products to a limited market.

    All of this for what ? There really isn't any benefit and it is going to cost a lot of money. This is a total waste of taxpayer dollars and will also cause a massive disruption in the workplace / Work flow of the Worcester County school system.

  17. There should not be a SINGLE solution no matter what it is. I personally prefer Apple but I have used all of them. If you think Apple is expensive, look for used on eBay. I built a Hackintosh with a generic Intel PC and later converted it to windows for my grandson.

  18. 9:01 good comment from a democratic socialist. Can't wait for you to run.

  19. @11:06 AM, you think 9:01’s comment about the Republican Turncoats vote supporting the reappointment of Donna Hanlin is from a “Democrat Socialist?” You are nuts but good deflection, Bozo!!

  20. Apples had to be able to run Windows for a reason !!!
    Sales would have dropped out big time without it !!!

    They are No better than Any other Brand or type platform !!!
    Just Overpriced Bullshhht & cosmetics for people who
    Don't know much about the insides & mechanics !!!!

  21. The Big Boss Honchos will get one , to make them feel superior !

    The pee-ons won't be getting any such thing !!!

  22. PC's are security threats to any computer network. Macs are safer when connected to a network. Nobody is "forcing" anyone to buy Macs for their homes. Home networks can do what they want, or not do what they don't want to do. Network security is their problem. Besides that, all the PCs running windows 7 were just made obsolete by Microsoft. No matter how good the computer is, it has to be replaced. Why would the school want to replace all the PCs with more PCs, just to be made obsolete by Microsoft in a few years? It is a good long term solution to the stability and longevity issues that affect PCs (Windows operating systems). It will be a big change, with big long term benefits.

    1. Ok 11:19 you have no clue about PCs. You can easily upgrade a Windows 7 PC to 10 and it takes little effort. There is no need to replace the PC unless it's really old. Microsoft did not make the PCs obsolete they made Windows 7 Obsolete. Windows 7 was released in 2009 so after 11 years it had a good run and needed to go. You have way more control over a Windows Network environment than with Mac. Mac is not more secure it's just that people who Write viruses target PCs because there are way more of them out there. Anyway this isn't a Mac vs PC debate, this is about spending a crap.ton of tax dollars for very little benefit.

  23. "Fools" are the ones without the technical education to know what they are even complaining about. A "complete disaster" would be putting someone without any technology background in charge of upgrading the Worcester County Technology program.

  24. Having a bobblehead made of yourself is just plan egotistical. Let's try focusing on what our children really need!!!! Basic needs. Stability. Mental health. Smaller class sizes. Teachers who are allowed to use their credentials to make decisions based on student needs.

  25. They are NO more secure & Costs is way toooo high !!!!

    Yuppies in Worcestor County like playing with Your $$$$ !!!!

  26. The Real Computer Experts have said on here How it is !!!

    Just More Govt Waist of Taxpayer's $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ !!!!

  27. February 15, 2020 at 10:39 AM:

    Windows 7 users have all gotten the message that tell users they have to replace their PCs (you must not have one, or you are just making crap up). Windows will not allow the upgrade of windows 7 to windows 10 anymore. You know little of what you opine about.

  28. February 15, 2020 at 10:39 AM:

    You know, my Win 7 PC currently has a message from Windows on it that says my PC is obsolete and must be replaced. No windows upgrade for Win 7 available. New PC required. You're the one without a clue. You don't have any idea what you are talking about.

  29. I'm glad the educated IT people that work for the BOE in Worcester County make the decisions, and not all the home critics that are woefully ignorant of PC issues (security and obsolescence.) As a network administrator, I hate windows. If it wasn't for Windows, my job would be a breeze.


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