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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Racist University of Virginia Student Tells White People to Leave New Campus Multicultural Center: ‘There’s Just Too Many White People in Here’

A video posted to social media shows a racist black student demanding that white people leave the newly opened Multicultural Student Center at University of Virginia.

The entitled student stood up and announced to her peers that white students using the space made her and other people of color uncomfortable.

Student at University of Virginia to other students in the Multicultural Center:

“Public service announcement! Frankly, there is just too many white people in here… It does make some of us PoCs uncomfortable.”


  1. "...is too many..."

    Nice use of English. But, then, proper English grammar could be seen as something only appreciated by old white people.

    1. Accomodation and lowering the standards of admission. College sure ain't what it used to be...

  2. well then maybe just maybe she ought to go to an all black college? or better yet move to africa, they she won't have to suffer such indignities!

    1. All black college, is that allowed? All whites colleges are not legal

  3. Stupipo - don like Wypipo!

  4. F'ing white kids today are a bunch of wimps!

  5. Just maybe "White" folk should stop supporting colleges (financially) that allow people of color to discriminate.

  6. Segregation is the answer!

    1. The student is requesting that white people (non-Jewish whites) segregated themselves from the rest of humanity.

      I personally like the idea.

    2. You do have good point - but we would still have to support them.

  7. Hmm... Segregation ?

  8. all student facilities are for ALL students, what an idiot. If this was a white person that had stood up and said that, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would be protesting in the streets. Stop seeing color period, you are all just students, no white, no black, just students.

  9. To think that "people of color" hold exclusive membership in multiculturalism is erroneous and exhibits a basic ignorance of the range of worldwide cultures. It's obvious that this young person has had a very limited range cultural experience.

    1. Limited yes. They know they hold the power that we "white" people gave them.

  10. White is a color too
    start the movement... #white is a color too!

  11. She should be expelled for not understanding what multi-cultural means.

    I guess with all the money pouring into the universities "through govt funded loans" they just let anybody with a heartbeat attend. That woman is a racist. Imagine if it had been a white person saying those things. SMH

  12. Only one side of the aisle is racist. Hint: it ain't the right side.

    1. Both “sides” of that Congressional Aisle are racist. They are both controlled by Zionists so they are extreme racists!

    2. At 3:53 p.m. well, you are incorrect but you did prove that you are anti-Semitic.

  13. For this to be tolerated is blatant racism. If this were a white person asking PoC to stop taking up "her" space, people would be outraged. The women in the video would have her name, home address, phone number, place of employment, and parents' information, etc. plastered all over online. She would have been shamed, fired, expelled, and highly likely she would be receiving death threats. In order to achieve true equality, the punishments have to be the same on both ends of this abhorrent behavior. (See also Jussie Smollett). Local folks were outraged over racist graffiti found at SU, until it was determined that a person of color was responsible. Then, suddenly - even though there was great harm done to race relations on campus and interviews with students feeling "unsafe" - there was no crime. Equal should mean equal... in both opportunity and responsibility.

  14. That racist pig needs to be removed from the University of Virginia school system.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Hmm... Segregation ?

    February 13, 2020 at 12:59 PM

    Yes, I agree! If you don't, tough $hit.

  16. I see the resident Ku Klux Klan recruiter is hard at work. Oh, she's black? Damn, that's peculiar.

  17. You can't fix STUPID.

  18. I stopped reading after "The entitled student...". Her "fame" will bring plenty of employment offers in no time. Believe further explanation is not necessary.

  19. So she graduates and submits her resume for a job. They consider hiring her until, they Google her and this video shows up. No legitimate company would take a chance on her considering she is an obvious racist.

  20. Poor child does not know the meaning of multicultural.

  21. If standards weren’t lowered she would never be allowed into a college

  22. So according to her, multicultural means only POC?


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