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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Trey Gowdy: Nobody really thinks Russia prefers Trump over 'comrade' Bernie Sanders

Former Rep. Trey Gowdy shot down a report suggesting Russia is planning to help President Trump in the 2020 election by saying he doubts the Kremlin prefers Trump over “comrade” Bernie Sanders.

“No. 1: I don’t know anyone who really thinks that Russia prefers Donald Trump to win over ‘comrade’ Sanders,” Gowdy told Fox News. “I don’t know a soul that really thinks Russia wants Donald Trump to be the president instead of the guy that honeymooned in Russia.”

Gowdy went on to point out that the intelligence community isn't infallible.

“No. 2: Is this the same intelligence community that told us it was a spontaneous reaction to a video in Libya and the same intelligence community that promised us weapons of mass destruction, and the same intelligence community that relied on the dossier?”



  1. Tell Russia again to get those Hillary lost e-mails !!! LOL

  2. They wear Bernie t-shirts as a joke in Russia. The Chinese are selling them.

  3. Russia is going to support their comrade Sanders like they did with Clinton, Obama, Brennan and Clapper. Schifty Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, Schumer and the rest of the DumbocRATS will attempt to shift the blame to innocent Trump.

  4. It took Gowdy 3 years, 80 million dollars tax payer funded investigation his TOTAL SUPPORT of James Comey “ man of impeccable character” to finally see the light. Remember when Gowdy said Trump wasn’t a target of investigation even though he was? That’s why he quit congress and went back to chasing ambulances... Did he ever actually accomplish anything of value?

  5. Sanders is RUSSIA'S Candidate !!! Communist Party !!!!


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