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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Calif. Schools: Hormones through Homeroom?

Even in California, you have to be 18 to get a tattoo, 16 to drive a car, 21 to buy a gun, alcohol, or pot. But if you want to change your gender? Well, then, you just have to be 12. And your public school will be more than happy to help.

Need an abortion? Tell your teacher. Want to refill your birth control? Go to the school clinic. Thinking about starting hormone treatments? Your parents will never find out. At least, not under the policy the California Teachers Association (CTA) is pushing. That's the amazing revelation from last month's union meeting. On January 26th, the CTA decided to go big on the LGBT agenda -- adding "transgender and binary youth" to the students who can leave class for medical reasons without their parents' permission.

A number of concerned teachers leaked the new language to the Epoch Times, worried that no one in the state knew. "CTA believes comprehensive school-based health care clinics are needed to bring caring and responsive services to young people. The clinics shall provide cisgender, transgender, and non-binary youth equal and confidential access to decision-making rights for students and their families." Translation: A student can secretly pursue that transition at school without their parents ever finding out.



  1. Say it isn't so. You can't quit school until you are 16.

  2. Why would the schools want to take on that responsibility?
    It sounds like a big liability to be involved in that.


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