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Monday, February 24, 2020

Ohio graduates won’t have to be “proficient” in math or English, under state superintendent’s plan

CLEVELAND, Ohio – High school students won’t have to be “proficient” in either math or English to graduate, under minimum required test scores proposed by State Superintendent Paolo DeMaria.

They will just need to know enough to do the most basic of jobs.

New high school graduation requirements passed this summer require most students to show “competency” in math and English through scores on Ohio’s Algebra I and English II tests to qualify for a diploma. The new requirements start with the class 2023, this year’s high school freshmen.



  1. Well, why not just start hiring out of Middle school? Just delete high school if you're not going to require learning, grades & proficiency. 13 year olds can now go straight into the workforce, smoke, drink, drive and pay for their own danged apartments!

  2. Stupid people are easy to control..just look at the democrats for instance!!

  3. Bringing in Islam next.

  4. This is merely a testament to the failure of education today on top of the failure of parenting. Sad, sad state of affairs which diminishes the ability of US to compete on the world stage.

  5. Government says:
    lets make everyone illiterate and then they can't read the constitution.
    Lets dumb down the math skills so they can't tell how much money we steal from them. Complete dependency on the government

  6. Dumbing down of America by the party that invented dumb.

  7. Stupid people are MUCH easier to subdue, command, and persuade.

    Keep cheering.

  8. thats okay we will get gud jobs.

  9. More votes for Bernie. Stupid is as stupid does.

  10. Slaves were not permitted to learn to read or write because they were much easier to control.

  11. Northwest Woodsman: Pedomarxist democrat liberals dumbing down the next generation of voters who will also be indoctrinated in cultural Marxism as they proceed to destroy the country. Intelligent voters ask too many questions.

  12. And so stupid voters can't think for themselves


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