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Monday, February 24, 2020

Beijing warns its citizens not to travel to the US after claiming Chinese tourists are suffering unfair treatment because of Washington's 'excessive measures' to prevent coronavirus

China has warned its citizens not to travel to the United States due to the 'excessive measures' Washington has taken to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Chinese tourists have received unfair treatment repeatedly in America as a result, Beijing claimed today.

The coronavirus epidemic has killed at least 2,628 people, infected more than 79,700 and spread to at least two dozen countries.



  1. Why we NEED border control.....

  2. Stay the fk home then.

  3. Thanks for enforcing our travel ban, China!

  4. Sorry we don’t want to die from something your government created.

  5. Great! Stay out Commies!

  6. Typical Communists. Accuse your enemy of exactly what you are doing.
    We don’t have police taking people’s temperatures on the street and incarcerating people with a fever. They do.
    Their human rights abuses speak for themselves.


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